Scheduling – Give It To God
Whether you are a to do list type of person or a fly by the seat of your pants personality, at some point we all have schedules to deal with. Schedules for work, school, church, exercise, doctor’s appointments and so much more. Scheduling is where priorities come together on paper or electronically if that’s your thing and trying to figure out how to fit it all in can be exhausting.
That’s where we can learn from Martha’s example. When she was frustrated she took it to Jesus. When she was hurt and overwhelmed, she took it to Jesus. Whatever you’re facing, no matter how big or small, you can always take it to Jesus.
Give your schedule to God and ask Him to help you prioritze your day so that it includes time with Him first and then strength, wisdom and ability to accomplish all the rest.
The best part about giving your schedule to God is that He already knows what the day will bring. He knows what will be a waste of time and what will truly make a difference. You will actually be saving time by giving Him time. Isn’t it incredible how God works! Your schedule becomes His schedule for you and that means that no matter how full or hectic it may seem, God is with you and will work it all out for good. Then you can go about your day with the peace of God and joyful expectation about what God can and will do.
Be Intentional about giving your schedule to God.

Praises & Prayers
Lord, thank you for showing me that when I first make time for You and give You my schedule, You in return give me Your schedule for me and the peace of knowing that it will all work out for good. You are amazing Lord! In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Psalm 5:3
In the morning, Lord, you hear my voice;
in the morning I lay my requests before you
and wait expectantly.