Road Blocks
We like to think of Paul as a bulldozer, plowing a path of Christianity everywhere he went. But Paul ran into road blocks too. Not just the road blocks of persecution and imprisonment placed in his path by people – but there were also road blocks put in place by the Holy Spirit.
One of the hardest things to do is accept when a path that we have been following becomes closed to us. It’s tempting to try and climb over the rubble and continue on even though God has placed it there to deter us.
We have to learn to discern whether the road block is man made and worthy of conquering or if it’s God-made and worth letting go. When God puts up a road block He opens other paths for us. Sometimes it takes an openness to see the path and willingness to turn away from what we were doing, towards what God wants us to do. This openness to God’s leading can take us to places that we never could have imagined.
A good example of this is the many people who are now working from home. A pandemic size road block changed the way that people work, shop and interact with one another. While our desire for normalcy tries to keep us doing things the way we always have, God has opened many new doors of opportunity if we choose to be open to the possibilities.
When I first started working from home I could not see how this was God’s will. I was frustrated and continually thought of how in my own efforts I could still make it work the way it had always been.
But as I started to open up to the reality of the situation and was willing to submit to God’s leading, I found that He had so much more for me than I ever thought possible.
Yes, there are still some frustrations with working from home, but each and everyone of them can be dealt with and addressed in a way that helps me to trust His leading even more.
In truth this change has helped me to rely more and more on God. I want to know His clear direction and He is always willing to give it if I ask. The road blocks that I once thought were a hindrance have become a blessing.
Be Intentional about seeking God’s will in the road blocks of life.

Praises & Prayers
Father, I want to thank you for the road blocks that have changed the paths I’ve been on and have lead me to more dependence on You. Through the changes and trials I have seen and experienced Your generous provision and learned to trust You more. Thank you for always watching out for me. I love you Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Isaiah 30:21
Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”