Live Boldly

Restore My Soul – Speak My Truth

During my 40 days with God I wrote about each days experiences in my journal. Now as I review them to write about them it’s like receiving those messages all over again and they are still perfectly timed.

I’ve started getting frustrated with some of the reoccurring issues that I’m working on and began wondering if I will ever be able to overcome them. As I reviewed my notes for today’s blog I was reminded of the answer to that question.

My message from God today: Speak My Truth

In this season I have been blessed with several different books and devotionals to read and study. Each one has had the exact message that God knew I needed at the precise moment.

Replacing lies with truth has been a statement that has surfaced several times during my 40 days with God. When I began to wonder if I would ever overcome the issue that I’ve been working on my mind started to think thoughts of failure and giving up.

But when I stopped for a moment and began replacing those lies with the truth that God is for me and that He has told me I am an overcomer, I was able to renew my quest to conquer that trial.

It will require devotion, perseverance and boldness, all of which He will empower me with. He is breathing new life into me and leading me out of the desert and towards new adventures with Him.

God’s word is revelation to us and as we learn to walk in that revelation we will learn to declare the truth about ourselves and all of life. “The revelation of His word is what empowers us to change faulty beliefs about ourselves and dare to hope for fulfillment of our God given dreams.”

“It’s important to declare the answer and not just the problem. If you insist on declaring the problem and denying the power of God’s word, you will create your future to look like the problem. You must understand that your mouth has the God given ability for good or evil – to speak your future into existence.”

“When you read and study the language of the bible (the living word of God), you are learning the language of God and His design for your life – the best and most wonderful life you can live. At the same time you are getting to know Jesus – the living word.”

So in believing that His word is for me and for you, we can speak with confidence following:

God is showing me that as a priceless treasure, He has given me extreme value and He invites me to let Him refine me and make a vessel that He can reach others with.

My Prayer

Father, thank you for Your words of truth and for helping me today to replace wrong thoughts and lies with God given truth and promises. I pray that in the days to come I will remember what You have written and that I will apply Your truth to each and every situation and thought. Help me to align my thoughts with Your will and purpose for my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Where does my help come from?

Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp for my feet,
    a light on my path.

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