Live Boldly

Restore My Soul – Little Gestures

As Tracy and I were preparing for our new normal of me working from home we were both a little apprehensive of what that might look like. We both had our routines which would have to be altered.

He usually arrived home earlier than I did and would have a few hours to himself after a long day at work. I would have time in the morning to myself because I started work later than he did.

We had heard plenty of stories of spouses that struggled with adjusting to more time together now that many were working from home or had even retired and we didn’t want to resent giving up our personal time or open the door for frustration.

God’s message to me today: Look for the little gestures

Rather than look at what we thought we were giving up God wanted us to look at the little gestures that we were given through this change.

For years I had always been the one who arrived home later and now I get to experience the excitement of seeing my husband return home from work and welcoming him home.

We now get to eat dinner before 8:30 pm each night and this allows us more time to talk with each other. We sit on the deck and talk about the days events and just spend quality time together.

One evening as we were getting into the hot tub he held out his hand to help me in and although that might seem small it was such a sweet gesture. I was reminded that it was those things that God wanting me to look for.

We have started flirting more and are settling in to our new normal. It is truly a gift from God. All the little things add up to a much bigger thing….relationship.

I’m finding so much joy in looking for little things that will make his day better and seeing him do the same for me. It’s not always perfect, but even on days when there are tense moments, I try to remember the little things and it quickly draws my mind back to the good things.

My Prayer

Thank you Lord for the new spark in our relationship. The excitement of seeing him when he returns home from work. Talking with him and just spending time together. Thank you for the closeness we are sharing and I pray that we will fall in love all over again, and again and again. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Where does my help come from?

John 13:34-35

A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.

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