Divine Encounters,  Live Boldly

Rachel & Dawson

Several years ago when Brocksstory was written I came in contact with a sweet woman named Rachel. She is a friend of the office manager for my brother’s medical clinic in Utah and lives in the Midwest. Rachel had just been informed that her son Dawson had terminal cancer.

When my brother heard her story he suggested that she read Brock’s Story in hopes that it would help her through the heart wrenching months ahead. She contacted me and we were able to talk several times through social media and my heart broke for her. Dawson was a handsome young man with the most beautiful smile.

When Dawson went to meet Jesus, I believe that he met Brock too. I imagined them talking and sharing stories with each other. They hadn’t met on earth, but Dawson knew about Brock and I’m sure he met him in heaven. Rachel and I have not personally met and who knows, maybe we will here on earth, but if not, for sure in heaven.

We’ve stayed in contact over the years and this week was Dawson’s birthday. His sweet mom did a beautiful job posting pictures and remembering her precious son. Moments like this always pull on my heart strings because I understand what she’s feeling.

Rachel and Dawson were the first people that we met through Brock’s Story. They were such a gift from God and confirmation that God would use that story for His purposes. Our Divine Encounter took place over the internet and it has had such a profound impact on me. Distance isn’t a factor when it comes to God. His reach is endless. Divine Encounters can happen anywhere and at any time.

Thank you Lord for using all types of social media to reach people wherever they are. Your ways are limitless. What a beautiful reminder that You will always make a way to show us Your love.

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