Pulling a Tooth
My Divine Encounter this week involved pulling a tooth. My oldest granddaughter, Kyrie, had a tooth that was quite loose and had been for a while. She anxiously wiggled the tooth every day and tried to anticipate what it would be like to lose a tooth.
I told her she would be able to do something that many of us couldn’t. She would be able to eat a tootsie pop sucker with her teeth closed because the stick would go through the hole that the lost tooth would make.
She didn’t quite understand what I was talking about but one night during dinner I received a phone call from Kyrie. She was sobbing and asked through tears if I would come over and pull her tooth. After talking to my son he too asked if I would come over because she had been quite dramatic most of the day and they were more eager than she was to get the tooth out.
I told her I was on my way with her suckers and tooth rope (dental floss). When I arrived she was excited to see me and then started crying again. I asked why she was so upset and she said she was afraid that she would lose the tooth when it came out. I told her I could make a leash out of the tooth rope like we use for Missy, our little dog, and then she could hold the leash so the tooth would not get away.
She like the idea until the leash was in place. Then panic set in and she screamed and cried again asking for the string to be removed. She sat on her mother’s lap and as soon as she quit yelling and opened her mouth, her mother pulled the string and the tooth was out.
Instantly she was laughing and excited as she looked in the mirror at the new vacant space in her mouth. She then asked about the sucker, chose her favorite flavor and Ta Da! The stick fit perfect in the open space. She laughed and hugged me. My youngest granddaughter, Remi, asked for a sucker and said, “but I want to keep my teeth.”
The reason this was a Divine Encounter was that my granddaughter called me to help her through a tough situation. She trusted me. It touched my heart and I prayed that she would always feel that she could talk with me, ask me anything and know that I would be there for her.
I want to be available to them and have a relationship with them where they see Jesus in me. My greatest hope is that both of my granddaughters will know the Lord and have their own relationships with Him.
Thank you Lord for both of them and the relationships we are growing. I pray they will know You as their Lord and Savior and as their best friend.