You’ve heard it said that there is a time and place for everything. When Jesus was speaking with Martha about choosing the ONE thing that was important, He was demonstrating that very truth.
Each of us are uniquely made with different gifts and talents to use for God’s purposes in our lives. Some have the gift of hopsitality, some teaching, some cooking and others organization. Whatever your giftings are, they are important and are given to you by God.
But regardless of what our giftings are or the positions that we fill with our talents, we need to remember that God should always be our first priority and always make time to sit at His feet.
If we allow our feelings and emotions to boss our priorities around we will miss the moments that God intends for us to enjoy. What good would it do to cook a fantastic meal for your friends, but in your busyness never even stop to visit with the guests you invited to share it with? Their purpose in coming was to spend time with you.
When the author of your story shows up on the doorstep of your heart, offer hospitality by letting Him in and then sit with the Lord and enjoy His company. Spending time with Jesus will never disappoint.
Be Intentional about making Jesus your first priority.

Praises & Prayers
Lord, please forgive me for making tasks and to do lists a higher priority tham simply sitting at Your feet and spending time with You. Give me the wisdom to set healthy boundries and priorities. Thank you for always making time with You the best part of my day. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Matthew 6:33
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.