Pray With Zeal & Intention
This week was the first time I was able to spend my morning quiet time on the deck. The weather is just perfect, not to cold and yet just right for a comfy sweater and hot cup of coffee. Birds are singing and a grass was just freshly mowed the night before. A hanging basket of flowers added a colorful touch and beautiful scent. Thank you Lord for this place.
I began a new study of 1 & 2 Samuel this week and the timing is spot on. The first chapter is about a woman named Hannah whose example teaches about praying with zeal and intention.
As I read the passage, in my mind I could picture her sincerity, her longing for a child and for God to hear her prayers. The word says that “Hannah was praying in her heart, and her lips were moving but her voice was not heard.” (1 Samuel 1:13)
It made me take a moment and think of the prayer I had just prayed. How sincere was I? Well my mind was like the squirrel in my backyard; all over the place. I had rattled off a prayer and caught myself saying the same words that I always pray. They had become repetitive and meaningless.
I was reminded that God had created this perfect environment to meet with me and I hadn’t invited Him to join me; so I did. I deliberately stopped what I was doing and prayed from my heart, imagining that Jesus was right there with me and I was talking to Him face to face. That definitely helped me to focus on my words and be sincere.
Hannah had been so completely present in her prayer that the priest Eli thought she was drunk. One of the commentaries asked the question, “Would people think you were drunk the way you pray?” I don’t think it means to be out of control or mumbling for show, but rather to be so focused on pouring your heart out to God that your surroundings don’t even come to mind. Talking to God is your only focus.
Another quote from the study said, “Passages from scripture that focus on specific individuals serve as tremendous mirrors for you and me. Let’s not waste what the mirror reveals.”
Seeing Hannah pray was a timely reminder from God that I needed to refocus and remember why I pray in the first place. Praying is taking with God. He wants to hear from us and be heard.
Some of the words that I often pray are, “I love you Lord.” As I said them earlier in my prayer they just fell off my tongue and now as I thought about it I heard the question, “Do you really love me?” The word says, “If you love me you will obey me; are you obeying me?” “If you’re not, then you are just saying words.” That was a bold revelation in the mirror. I wasn’t obeying what He asked me to do and I needed the correction that I was given.
After Hannah had poured her heart out to God she went her way and “her countenance was no more sad.” That means that she was confident that God had heard her and He would answer her prayer. I too felt so much better after I prayed from my heart. I knew that God had heard me and I clearly heard Him.
Hannah’s prayer was answered and she gave birth to a son and named him Samuel which means heard of God. Every time she would say his name it would remind her of God’s faithfulness in answering her prayer. Her prayer from the heart. Her prayer that was prayed with zeal and intention.
My prayer
Father, thank you for the much needed correction and the beautiful example of Hannah. I want to pray with sincerity and be obedient so that my words are filled with truth. Thank you for forgiveness and for meeting me here each morning. For creating such a beautiful place to spend time together. I do love you Lord and I’m so grateful for Your faithfulness. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Where does my help come from?
Hebrews 10:22
“let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. “