Practical Ministry
The last few weeks have given us quite a visual about what practical ministry is all about. It’s using the gifts you’ve been given to help others.
With the earthquake in Haiti, Hurricane Ida hitting Louisiana, fires across the country, covid and all the local needs of friends and family, there is no lack of opportunities to serve.
I was listening to KLOVE the other day and they were talking about Convoy of Hope, a ministry that serves people in disaster stricken areas. The announcer commented that while you might not be able to fill an entire semi truck with needed supplies, you might be able to donate $20 which would help an entire family for a week.
When you look around you will notice that there are many areas and people that need help and there are just as many ways that we can serve in personal and practical ways.
Dorcas had a talent in designing, tailoring and sewing. She put that to good use making clothing for people in need. The bible doesn’t tell us what she did beyond clothing them, but she definitely made caring a habit.
Any ability can be utilized to help others. Maybe you are a good cook and could prepare a dinner for a neighbor who is laid up or sick. Maybe you are gifted with organization and could help a friend sort through paperwork or clutter. Maybe you could write an encouraging note to a first responder, teacher or pastor to let them know they are appreciated.
There are countless ways that we can serve others and when we make service and ministry towards others a priority, we will be doing the work that God prepared in advance for us to do.
Be Intentional about serving in practical ways.

Praises & Prayers
Father, looking around this world there are so many people in need. Help us to not only see those needs but to respond to them in practical ways. Help us to us the gifts, provisions and talents that You have blessed us with to love and serve others. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Ephesians 2:10
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.