Peace Be Still
But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.” – Matthew 14: 30-33

Last night I watched the latest episode of The Chosen. Peter was struggling with his faith because of a deep loss he and his wife had experienced. A battle raged in his heart and mind as he tried to understand why it seemed that Jesus helped others in their time of need, yet he didn’t help them. He had been a faithful follower, going where Jesus told him to go and doing what Jesus told him to do, but now he was experiencing heartbreak and suffering. Why?
Jesus graciously explained that the trials we face are known by Him, are meant to increase our faith, and will serve to fulfill the purposes we were created for. But they can still feel like a raging storm that is tossing us all around and drenching us to the point of exhaustion.
The story continued with Peter stepping out of the boat and walking on the water. He was rising above the waves as long as he kept his eyes on Jesus, but when he looked at his situation and focused on the storm that surrounded him, he sank into the depths. In true Godly fashion, the moment that he called out to Jesus for help, Jesus immediately reached out and pulled him to the surface, set him in the boat, and calmed the sea.
This story resonates with me, and I found the visual of the show to be so touching and personal as Peter leaned into the Lord and held on as tight as he could, repeatedly saying, “Don’t let me go!” “Don’t let me go!” Isn’t that just how we feel when storms surround us? We just want to be held by the One who will rescue us, calm the storm, and see us safely to the other side.
Perhaps you are dealing with heartache, disappointment, loss, and exhaustion just as Peter did. It’s overwhelming and fear has set in. I encourage you to cry out as he did, “Lord, save me!” In that act of faith, you are laying your burdens down at the feet of Jesus, who will give you rest. You will be leaning into the One who can lift you out of the depths of your fear and pain and set you firmly on solid ground. And you will be holding on to the One who will never let you go.
Let Jesus quiet the storm that is raging in your life and replace it with His presence and peace.