Live Boldly


Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men. – Colossians 3: 23

Enthusiasm comes from two Greek words: en, which means “in,” and theos, which means, “God.” So if you are in God, you have enthusiasm. It is an intense and eager enjoyment or interest that creates a passion for something or someone. When you live with a passion for God, you take performing your work and living your life from a place of “have to” to a place of “get to.”

That is the heart of the Daily Bread pages in the Royal Records of the Daughter of the King book. What at first seem like daily tasks that we have to do, with a passion for God can be changed to things we get to do. Godly passion will enable us to do more than we every thought we could. Those same passions encourage us to keep going when we want to give up and will also inspire others to carry on in their own journeys.

Writing out our daily tasks and giving them to God will place us in the position to receive His provision for each and every item on our list. We will soon discover that everything He has given us to do…..He has already provided a way to be done. With a Godly perspective we begin to see tasks as opportunities. Opportunities to see God working in our lives and directing out paths in ways that will grow our faith and trust in Him.

Think about the verse above; if you have a task to do for someone would your heart and passion be the same for that person as it would be if you were doing the same task for Jesus? Would you answer more quickly, work harder and longer? Would your attitude be the same? God desires for us to have the same passion for loving and serving others as we have for loving and serving Him.

As we grow in our relationship with Jesus we will discover the joy of “get to,” one day at a time.

Father, I am looking forward to having Godly passion for the daily opportunities that I am given. Help me to do each one as if I was doing it for You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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