Live Boldly

Nuggets of Truth – Those That Mourn

Nuggets of Truth

The Sermon on the Mount is the largest recorded sermon given by Jesus to His followers. He wanted to prepare them, and us, to live a radically different life than what we see in the world. As true disciples we will experience every beatitude at some point in our lives, which means that we will also be blessed as promised. Nuggets of Truth are taken from the Sermon on the Mount and presented from the Message translation of the Bible. My hope is that you will find encouragement and connection with each passage.

You’re blessed when you feel you’ve lost what is most dear to you. Only then can you be embraced by the One most dear to you. – Matthew 5:4

This passage holds a special place in my heart. If I had been told how blessed I was when we lost Brock I would not have believed it. But I have come to see and know the One who holds my tears in a bottle, who weeps with me and who has shown me comfort that I cannot explain.

Jesus has become My Everything. More times than I can count, have I felt His loving arms around me, giving me hope, strength, and reasons for joy. His promises have become lifelines, anchors for my weary soul. His unconditional love and endless grace encourage me to move forward holding on to the hope that His sacrifice on the cross provided – resurrection and eternity with God and our loved ones.

Today, I believe. I believe that my loss opened a door to experience His embrace.

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