Live Boldly

Nuggets of Truth – Those that Hunger & Thirst

Nuggets of Truth

The Sermon on the Mount is the largest recorded sermon given by Jesus to His followers. He wanted to prepare them, and us, to live a radically different life than what we see in the world. As true disciples we will experience every beatitude at some point in our lives, which means that we will also be blessed as promised. Nuggets of Truth are taken from the Sermon on the Mount and presented from the Message translation of the Bible. My hope is that you will find encouragement and connection with each passage.

You’re blessed when you’ve worked up a good appetite for God. He’s food and drink in the best meal you’ll ever eat. – Matthew 5:6

This passage caught my attention with the words, “you’ve worked up a good appetite for God.” To work up an appetite means that you have worked a desire for something. Growing up on a farm many days required long hard hours of physical labor which worked up an appetite by dinner. So what would a day look like that worked up a good appetite for God?

I believe it would start with inviting God into your day. Laying out before Him the tasks at hand and believeing that He has already provided all that will be needed. I believe it would include a desire to see people and situations through His eyes, to notice those who are over looked and those who need a word of encouragment, and then giving it to them as you’re lead by the Holy Spirit. I believe it would require leaning into Him for strength, perseverence and patience and speaking words of thanksgiving for His presense. I believe by the end of the day you would say, “More God! I want more of You.”

God—you’re my God! I can’t get enough of you! I’ve worked up such hunger and thirst for God, traveling across dry and weary deserts. Psalm 63:1

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