No Obstacle
Sometimes life can feel like an obtacle course. Our paths are filled with different challenges at each turn that require learning new skills and developing new talents to overcome. But some obstacles are far beyond our ability to move on our own and our only option is to fully trust in the Lord.
When Zechariah was told by the angel that Elizabeth would have a son, he doubted and because of that doubt he was unable to speak until the day the child was dedicated to the Lord.
He saw a son being born in their old age as an obstacle too big to even comprehend, but no obstacle is too hard or big for God to overcome. Zechariah had the ultimate, “Watch and see what I will do,” season with God.
I remember years ago when the housing market crashed, we ended up in a horrible financial situation and we were going to lose our home. When I cried out to God He gave me the answer, “Watch and see what I will do.”
That message boldly meant to stop being fearful, be patient with God’s timing and trust that He had the outcome already taken care of. But like Zechariah, I doubted and I continued to try to find my own solutions.
That only created a long season of fear, discouragement and stress. Had I trusted God’s message from the start I would have been in a position of peace as I watched My Savior work everything out for my good.
Thankfully God is faithful even when I’m not and just as He said, everything worked out even better than I could have imagined.
Zechariah stood silently by for over 9 months as he saw God’s promise come true. Imagine what he must have been thinking as he saw Elizabeth’s stomach grow, when he placed his hand on her belly and felt the baby kick and the tears of joy that streamed down his face when his child was born. No doubt he learned to trust God and take Him at His word.
Their story is yet another reminder that no obstacle in our lives is too hard for God to accomplish or overcome. This is the faith that Sarah had. Is it the same kind of faith that you have in our current situation?
Be Intentional about trusting God’s ability to overcome obstacles in our lives.

Praises & Prayers
Father, thank you for Your faithfulness especially when we encounter doubts. Give us the faith to trust You and Your promises and then watch and see what You will do. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Isaiah 25:1
Lord, you are my God;
I will exalt you and praise your name,
for in perfect faithfulness
you have done wonderful things,
things planned long ago.