Live Boldly

My Words

The other day I was having a conversation with a well known client. We discussed family, work and the usual topics. Then the conversation took a turn and we found ourselves talking and commenting about some drama issues that involved people we knew. Plain and simple, we were gossiping.

Most of the time when I’m communicating with someone I ask myself, “If the person I’m discussing was present, would I be having this conversation?” In this situation the answer was no and I felt very convicted about things I said.

The next morning in my quiet time I was reading 1 Samuel 3:19, “The Lord was with Samuel as he grew up, and He let none of Samuel’s words fall to the ground.” What a great example Samuel was of a person who watched their words regardless of the drama surrounding them and there was plenty of drama surrounding him.

The drama that Eli’s sons caused in the temple and how wicked they were, and then the defeat not once but twice of Israel at the hands of the Philistines, and the capture of the ark of the covenant. Samuel was called in the midst of war and ruin for Israel. Eli keels over dead at the news of the capture, his sons are killed, and his daughter-in-law dies in childbirth bearing Ichabod.

Now that’s a lot to talk about. In our modern day society that sounds like a prime time TV reality show. But in and through it all, Samuel’s words remained true and never fell to the ground. He always spoke the truth and because of his relationship with God, he was given the right words to say. God was with him, and He made sure none of his words landed without effect. It was Samuel’s relationship with God that prevented him from speaking anything out of the will of God.

“In a time when “the word of the Lord was rare in those days; there was no frequent vision” (1 Samuel 3:1), Samuel heard and lived by the word of the Lord. It wasn’t the common thing to do. No one else heard God speak. But when God spoke to him, Samuel took hold of those words, believed them and shared them. And God moved as Samuel spoke the word of the Lord. Samuel’s willingness to hear and share God’s words allowed God to reveal Himself in a place where His presence had been absent.” (Kelly Latta Ministries)

That last statement really brought me to a place of repentance. Would my words allow God to be revealed or would they turn people from Him, questioning how a person who claims to follow Jesus could be speaking in a way that didn’t honor Him or reflect Him.

People came to know God because they could trust the words of Samuel. He had proven to be honest and truthful. It was evident that the Lord was with him and because of that he watched his words so that they would honor God. Lord, please help me do the same.

My Prayer

Father, please forgive my careless words and bad example of a follower of Christ. I’m grateful for this timely lesson in watching my words and the effect that they can have on how people respond to you. You called me to be a witness for You and I pray that I will be more mindful of my words and ask myself, “Will this conversation honor God and draw people to Him?” Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be pleasing to You Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Where does my help come from?

Psalm 19:14

“May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.”

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