Live Boldly

My Favorite Souvenir

One of the fun parts of traveling is looking for souvenirs that will remind you of your adventure long after it has passed. I often joke that the souvenir I want to bring home is a tan and I usually do. In time the tan will fade, but the memories will remain.

As I was looking through pictures and trinkets that we purchased I re-lived the trip until those were stashed away. Then one morning I was flipping through my travel bible just reading the highlighted sections and notes in the margins when I remembered reading a particular verse on a previous trip.

I continued to turn pages and other memories of destinations came to mind and I realized that my favorite souvenir was remembering my quiet times with God on each adventure. Those moments that it was just God and I together in beautiful communion. Times when my heart and mind were focused only on Him and hearing what He was speaking to me. Times when He opened my eyes to see Him more clearly and times when I slowed down enough to take in the surroundings that He had placed me in.

Some people have traveling hats or stuffed animals that the take with them and make sure to have their picture taken in or with them at key locations on their itineraries. I don’t take pictures of me with my bible in destinations, but I do have memories (mind pictures) of exactly where I was when I read a specific passage.

The destinations aren’t always beach retreats and resorts. Some of the most vivid memories have been at a casino in Las Vegas and on Pennsylvania Avenue with a view of the White House. In both of those destinations I was blessed with the most incredible times of prayer and a deeper compassion for those around me.

As exciting as it is to have my passport stamped with different destinations it doesn’t compare to the markings made in my bible. They all represent places that God has lead me to for encouragement and teaching. His word provides the greatest adventures and times with Him are my favorite souvenirs.

My Prayer

Father, thank you for the marks that You make on my life and for adventures with you whether they are at home or abroad. You are everywhere Lord and that gives me peace and excitement in knowing that wherever You lead will have a purpose. Thank you for the memories that will last and for the joy at re-living them every time I read Your word. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Where does my help come from?

Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp for my feet,
    a light on my path.

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