Divine Encounters

My Burden-Bearer

One morning at work my stomach was in knots and I was having a hard time concentrating. My mind was on my husband and I was praying that he would find strength for the day in the Lord.

The more I thought of him the more my stomach churned and I felt I should ask my co-worker to pray with me for him. “Be bold!,” were the words that I heard and so I did. I shared our situation with her and asked if she would pray with me and she did.

As the prayers began the churning ceased and was replaced with calmness as the peace of God began to wash over me. He became my burden-bearer. He took the worry, the uneasiness and the stress from me as I laid it before Him and gave me peace.

What a gift to have a believer as my co-worker and to be in a work environment that instantly become a place of worship. Thank you Lord!

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