Divine Encounters

Missed Opportunity

While shopping the Saturday before Christmas I came across a woman in the sporting goods department while I was looking for a gift for my son; she was buying a fishing rod for her husband.

She was obviously dealing with the effects of chemotherapy and wore a cancer fighting t-shirt along with a beautiful smile.

We visited a few moments about picking just the right gift for our loved ones and then wished each other a Merry Christmas and went our separate ways.

As I finished shopping I thought of her beautiful smile and joyful attitude as she tested each fishing poles’ flexibility and examined every little detail. It was at that moment that I realized I had missed a Divine Opportunity to be bold for Christ.

I should have asked her how she was doing and offered to pray for her. Then I should have given her a You Matter card.

I believe that is the boldness that God is trying to develop in me. NO FEAR of man or what someone might think. I remembered how much it meant to me when strangers asked to pray for me and I was crushed that I hadn’t done the same.

God knows this woman and I have asked Him to bless her and strengthen her through this trial and to forgive me for my lack of boldness.

Lord help me to throw off anything that would hinder from living boldly for You. Help me to see others and help them know that You see them too. Give me the courage to be the witness You desire me to be and help me not to miss the Divine Encounters that You set before me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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