Love and Acceptance
I’m approaching the finish line of my Fit at 50 goals. There are only three weeks left until my yearly physical when I will receive the final results of my lifestyle changes. Physically I feel healthier and stronger and I’m starting to see some results in my appearance which is exciting. Besides the outward changes I have also noticed changes on the inside. I won’t know the cholesterol count and other internal medical updates until the tests are back, but the more important changes are taking place in my heart and mind and in my attitude and thoughts.
I’m smiling as I see God’s creativity in the timing of all of this. The next leg of the journey is love and acceptance. February is often considered the love month. Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and the stores have been filled with cards, gifts and chocolate since Christmas.
It’s the time of year that people often measure their acceptance base on whether or not they are in a relationship, what they receive on the solitary day and who remembers them. It can be a very difficult season for many people because pressures and expectations are heightened.
So will I receive the results the same way? Will I measure my acceptance of myself based on physical appearance and the scales? Will I be good enough? Will I have done enough? These are some of the crazy questions going through my head. Can you see why God’s timing is perfect?
The other day as I was looking in the mirror I was excited at the changes and then a few moments later began critiquing my ever present problem areas. The thought, “what made them problem areas?” came to mind. For example my stomach or rather my lap child as I often refer to it. Yes I have a poochy, squishy stomach and no matter how many crunches I do, it never seems to fully go away.
Some days I like the scale and other days I think it is possessed and its only purpose is to torment me. When it’s kind, I’m happy. When it’s not, not so much. Why do I give it any power over my thoughts and life?
In a blog I read the other day, a question made me stop and think. The question was: “What can you thank God for as it relates to your unique divine design?” This is the lesson that God wants me to apply this month and to this whole process.
Breaking that question down starts with thanking God. I have so much to be thankful for and that’s a great reminder when I start to pick away at God’s creation, me. Instead of looking at the problem areas, I need to look at the blessings that came from them.
I have two incredible boys that I love more than anything. Each one of them put their mark on me as they grew. God blessed me with a body that was able to give birth to them and all those stretch marks are reminders of the privilege I have of being their mom.
The next word is unique which means, existing as the only one; having no like or equal. There is only one me and there is only one you. So that means there is nothing to compare with. We don’t have to measure up to someone else or look like them in a certain outfit because we are unique, one of a kind originals. When we blend in and look like all the rest we lose our uniqueness which is our God given identity.
Moving on to divine design. The word says that we are God’s masterpiece, fearfully and wonderfully made. Masterpiece by definition is; a consummate example of skill or excellence of any kind. That means that God purposefully made us each exactly the way we are for His good purpose.
Putting this all together means that I’m thankful for this body that was uniquely and beautifully designed by God, just for me. Through life experiences it has withstood growth, changes, child bearing, years of plenty of and years of leanness. Times of health and times of sickness have added to the refining through some scars and wrinkles. Hair colors have changed as often as the number on the scale.
Instead of looking at it wishing it was different, I now get to see it for all the wonderful ways it has served multiple purposes over the years. This Fit at 50 process has given me deliberate time to focus on talking care of this body that God has given me. Opportunities to learn about being a good steward of this gift and to start seeing me the way God sees me.
I’m still going to give it may all to reach my goals, but I’m beginning to see that the real achievement is in loving who I am in Christ. That I am fully loved and accepted by the Creator of the World.
I’m going to choose to see all the Valentine’s Day gifts, cards and heart shaped boxes of chocolate as reminders of His love and acceptance. I’m in a real and personal relationship with my Savior who shows me His love everyday not just on holidays. I get to show Him my love by choosing to live my life with Godly purpose while I love and accept others just as they are.
I pray that you have your own unique and beautiful relationship with Christ. If you don’t, I invite you to accept His love and begin one today. It’s a life changing choice and only takes a few heart felt words.
Dear Lord Jesus:
I know that I am a sinner and I believe that you died to pay the penalty for my sins. Thank you for taking my punishment. Please come into my heart and help me to live for you. Amen.
I know that you will experience love and acceptance as never before from our Lord and Savior. Welcome to the family of God. You are loved. You are accepted. You are beautifully unique, His masterpiece.
My prayer
Father, thank you for loving us and creating us each so uniquely. Please forgive me for wanting to trade my uniqueness for sameness when You have something so much better in mind. I pray that during this Valentine’s season people will begin a new relationship with You. Help us reach the lonely with Your love and the outcast with Your acceptance. Help us share the love that we have received with others. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Where does my help come from?
Ephesians 2:10 NLT
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”
Psalm 139:14
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.”