Loss & Response – Ruth
Like Naomi, Ruth was well acquainted with grief and loss. She too had lost her father-in-law, her husband, her brother-in-law and had no children after ten years of marriage. Her pain was just as real and raw as Naomi’s.
In her loss she fully understood Naomi’s situation, her discouragement, her bitterness, her hopelessness and yet she didn’t compare her situation to others or blame God, rather she used it to help someone else.
When given the opportunity to return to her family she didn’t hesitate to make her choice known to Naomi that she would go with her and would make a new life in a new land and would trust God for the outcome. She chose to stay beside Naomi and lay down her life for her friend.
Often we see people with a lot of issues and think, “What a mess! That’s too much for me to deal with,” which may be true, but with God, we can choose to lay down our own comfort, give up some of our time and energy and be the the friend that they need.
God saw Ruth’s heart, her devotion, her love and service to Naomi in spite of her own pain and loss, and He provided everything she needed and so much more.
Her story turned out far better than she could ever have imagined because she chose to be a selfless friend to Naomi. Naomi was also different in the end because of what God gave her in her friendship with Ruth.
Wouldn’t that be a wonderful thing to have said about you? ____________’s life was better because of what God gave her in her friendship with ______________ (insert your name).
Be Intentional about choosing friendship even when experiencing your own pain.

Praises & Prayers
Father, sometimes life really hurts, but You have shown us that in those times we can truly love others in a deeper way. Lord in Your greatest pain, You gave everything. Help us to follow Your example and lay down our lives for our friends. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
John 15:13
Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.