Living Proof
As Jerusalem was filling with travelers preparing to celebrate the Passover, the small nearby town of Bethany was also filling with people. People who were wanting to see for themselves a man who had been raised from the dead. They were looking for living proof of this miracle.
This crowd had heard that Jesus was there and they made their way to see not only him, but Lazarus as well. Some of this crowd may have participated in mourning for him when he died. Can you imagine the scene and the emotions? Only days before they were experiencing grieving and sadness, now they were going to the same place with excitement and anticipation. Such a variety of emotions.
You can be certain that after the Lord raised him from the dead, Lazarus and his sisters told anyone and everyone who would listen that he’d been dead and was now alive. With so many eyewitnesses the truth was undeniable, meaning that Jesus must be who He said He was: the Son of God.
Not all were excited. The chief priests had also heard of this miracle and were now making plans to kill Lazarus as well. Even though Lazarus was innocent of any wrongdoing, he served as living proof of the power Jesus commanded.
They were furious that many Jews were leaving their own religion and following Jesus as their Savior and Messiah. They were losing their control and so they plotted to kill both Jesus and Lazarus. Being a friend of Jesus was risky, but those that accepted the risk were rewarded with a new life in Christ.
I especially like John 12:11, 17: “for on account of him many of the Jews were going over to Jesus and putting their faith in Him.” “Many in the crowd had seen Jesus call Lazarus from the tomb, raising him from the dead, and they were telling others about it.”
Wouldn’t that be the best feeling in the world? To have many come to know Jesus because we shared our story and we’re living proof of the power of God? We were once dead and are now alive. How are we proclaiming that message?
Even with death threats, Lazarus continued to show himself publicly for all to see and share the message of his new life. His example can give us courage to do the same. Regardless of the crowd’s reaction, we can get out there with boldness and share the message of Christ.
People will see the change in us and tell others. Some will be skeptical, others unbelieving and critical. But even if just one person sees and believes, then all the angels in heaven will be rejoicing.
We are a walking, breathing living proof of the power of Christ. As the crowds gather for Easter services in the next few weeks, we like Lazarus can be boldly sharing our story. I’m praying that many come to believe and follow Him.
My prayer
Father, thank you for the new life You have given to me. Give me boldness to share that miracle with others. As Easter approaches and many attend services for the first time or only time of the year, open their hearts to see You and believe. Help us to be living proof of the power of God in our lives. Keep fear and worry from our minds and regardless of the responses, help us to joyfully proclaim that You are our Lord and Savior. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Where does my help come from?
Psalm 91:2
“This I declare about the Lord: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him.”
Psalm 118:17
“I will not die; instead, I will live
to tell what the Lord has done.”