Flat Tires
Last week my sister and I decided to play hookie from work and headed out to enjoy the day together. On my way to pick her up my low tire warning began to flash. We stopped at the tire store to get it fixed and were on our way. About twenty minutes down the road the low tire warning came on again and in frustration we found another tire store and again waited another 30 minutes in the lobby while the tire was repaired. This was not how I anticipated spending the day, but God had other plans. At the first stop, while waiting, we saw two friends whom we…
The definition of empowerment is the authority or power given to someone to do something; the process of becoming stronger and more confident. When God empowers us through His Holy Spirit, He gives us the ability to do whatever it is He wants us to do or requires of us. The bible teaches us about putting on the armor of God and taking our stand against the enemy. You’ll notice that the only weapon mentioned is the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. Wielding that sword is what empowers us and gives us the strength and courage to speak with authority against the enemy. By knowing God’s word we…
What Are You Oppressed By?
In researching the story of Deborah I came across the following message; “What are we being oppressed by, that we should be taking authority over? Maybe we aren’t physically at war, but spiritually and emotionally we are waging a war that we feel like we can’t win.” “Your authority comes from God, the attacks from the enemy are coming from a retreating army that has already lost the war. Your victory has already been won. Trust your God, adjust your mindset, and step into the authority God has given you.” Doesn’t that just empower you!! Give you hope!! Strengthen your resolve! The questions that followed were, “What are you oppressed…
You Are Under Attack!
When my sweet friend Veronica said those words to me it was a surreal moment. The thought that the enemy of our souls was behind all the confusion and sickness never crossed my mind. But it was true and in that moment I had a decision to make. Would I surrender or would I fight? One of the biggest victories in war, as a believer, is knowing who your enemy is. It isn’t the illness, the finances or people. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. His whole…
Who was Deborah?
Deborah’s story is told in Judges 4-5. She was the only female judge in Israel and was a wife and prophet. She held court under the Palm of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim. The Israelites went up to her to have their disputes decided. God chose her to lead His people. It was a huge task that He fully equipped her for and one in which she fully embraced as she trusted God’s leading. As a judge of Israel she knew the law and administered it with the wisdom and discernment she received from God and as a prophet her main role was to…
Six Months Ago
Last fall as I was finishing the book “Royal Records of the Daughter of the King,” I was reviewing each bible character that would be featured monthly. I prayed about each story and felt that the right woman was in place for each and every month. Some I knew quite a bit about and others would be a new adventure to discover. Deborah was one that I knew a bit about, but for some reason it didn’t really spark a lot of interest for me. Until now. Her story is one of perfect timing then and now. We’ll learn more about then, later. But for now the stories’ timing is…
A Fog
That’s the best way to describe how this month has started. My mind is not quite the same since the headache issue of last month and it feels like there is no clarity. I have been in a month long battle and I feel like I have been whooped, beaten down and that I’m loosing the fight. I feel lost, worn down, desperate, unsure and I have no energy for the calling that God has given me. As I thought about a new month and the story of Deborah, I didn’t even know where to begin. After speaking with my sweet friend, Veronica, she simply said, “You are under attack!…
Bring The Rain
This last month has been filled with an abundance of issues that I pray will be remedied soon and that in the midst of all of them, God will be honored. Six family members have battled covid 19 all with completely different symptoms and severities. One of my brothers had to have his heart restarted due to a reaction from the vaccine that he received for the virus. I recently recovered from ten days of ice pick headaches that may have been from the virus and has caused eye sensitivity and other issues that will now have to be addressed. My 20 year old nephew is scheduled for open heart…
Meet: Deborah
For the month of May we will discover some of the many lessons that can be learned from studying the life of Deborah. Overview – Spiritual Leadership Deborah was a wife and the only woman called by God to serve as a judge over Israel. She could see the big picture that often escapes those directly involved which made her a good mediator, advisor, planner and delegator. But most importantly she had a remarkable relationship with God. She did not allow cultural expectations to get in the way of God’s calling for her and her story shows how God can accomplish great things through people who are willing to be…
I Am The True Vine
Looking around the neighborhood today I noticed the trees are starting to bud and the flowers are beginning to bloom. It’s such a beautiful sight! I saw a fence that had large old vines covering it and wondered if they would start to turn green soon. Without the leaves you can see everywhere the vines wander and grow. There is definitely some pruning that needs to take place as some of the vines have gone quite wild and set out on their own path. It’s was a good reminder to look at my own life. How am I growing? Am I staying connected with the One who is The True…