We see this term all over social media and might ask ourselves, “What is an influencer?” By definition an influencer is someone who has: the power to affect the purchasing decisions of others because of his or her authority, knowledge, position, or relationship with his or her audience; one who exerts influence : a person who inspires or guides the actions of others. In her day, Deborah would have been considered an influencer, but with a much greater purpose that getting people to buy the latest trends. She was respected by the people of Israel because she influenced them to live for God. Daily they saw her example of living a…
Spiritual Leadership
What is spiritual leadership? One explanation I found said, “spiritual leadership is a blending of natural and spiritual qualities utilized for influencing God’s people to accomplish God’s purposes.” “God called a man to begin a nation (Abraham), to preserve that nation (Joseph), to lead that nation out of slavery (Moses), and to lead them in conquering the land (Joshua). He used individual men and women to further his agenda. He directed judges and kings to govern and prophets to reprove his people. And finally he sent one man to die for the sins of the world.” “Take these few leaders out of history and you have a radically different history.…
Embrace Your Call
What do those words means to you? Do you know your specific call from God? Do you know the anointing that goes along with your call? Each and every one of us as believer’s have a call from God. He has placed us in the families, towns, communities, jobs, social circles etc. all with great purpose. In addition to that He has blessed us with everything we will need and makes it available at the exact moment that we will need it. The trials and experiences that you have endured have been used to refine you and teach you valuable lessons that will be used as you fulfill the call…
My Divine Encounter came today from God’s word. It was a response that Deborah gave to Barak after he refused to go to battle unless she accompanied him. It made me think of the many requests that we get throughout the day and our responses to them. Has your first and immediate response ever been, “Certainly?” That may be the case if the request is to join someone for a fun night out, dinner, a movie or exciting event. But what if that request was for something much bigger? Something serious or even life threatening? Something that would take you out of your comfort zone and stretch your faith? Something…
The Victory Has Already Been Won!
It may sound like a spoiler alert, but the words “The victory has already been won,” can also provide the encouragement we so desperately need in a crisis, trial or season of doubt. Barak was a military general that was charged with leading Israel’s army against Jabin the king of Cannan, who had cruelly oppressed the Israelites for twenty years and enforced his reign with nine hundred chariots fitted with iron. Deborah had received a word from the Lord for Barak and told him, “The Lord, the God of Israel, commands you; ‘Go, take with you ten thousand men of Naphtali and Zebulun and lead them up to Mount Tabor.…
Rise Up!
Many times throughout the Bible you will read the words, “and the Lord raised up…….,”which is followed by a name of an individual that was called to serve a mighty purpose for God. Each and every time that person was given the strength, courage and wisdom to accomplish everything that was required of them. Many of the tasks were so incredible that there would be no doubt it was only by the power of God that they were accomplished. That was true of Deborah’s calling from God. The Lord raised her up at that exact time and place to be a leader for His people. Her authority didn’t come from…
Your Victory Song
Music is a beautiful way to communicate, tell stories, celebrate and remember. The day after the Lord gave the victory to Israel over the king of Canaan, Deborah and Barak sang a song. The song is found in Judges 5 and recounted the events that had taken place and it proclaimed God’s greatness by giving Him credit for the victory. That song was also an excellent way to preserve and retell this wonderful story from generation to generation. Songs of praise focus our attention on God, give us an outlet for spiritual celebration, and remind us of God’s faithfulness and character. Whether you are experiencing a great victory or a…
Be An Intercessor
Prayer has the power to change. While it may not always change our circumstances, it can definitely change our hearts which are at the center of those circumstances; helping us to see them from a different viewpoint. I get the privilege to be a part of a prayer team that meets weekly to pray for each and every prayer request that gets submitted at church, online and by text throughout the week. Intercessory prayer is the act of praying on the behalf of others, which means that you have the same opportunity and privilege. Recently I was humbled and in awe of the outpouring of prayers and encouraging words from…
Keep On Keeping On
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. (James 1:2-4) Imagine Deborah reading this verse before heading out to the Palm of Deborah where she held court. I know that she lived hundreds of years before it was written, but I have no doubt that she fully understood it’s meaning. Every day she faced trials whether they were her own or other people’s issues. Daily her wisdom and faithfulness to God’s law was tested and through it all, she developed perseverance…
You Are A Godly Woman of Authority
What does a Godly woman of authority look like? The dictionary tells us that authority means the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience. The bible gives us a much more meaningful interpretation. She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women do noble things, but you surpass them all.” – Proverbs 31:25-29 When you think of Deborah you can see how this verse perfectly describes…