• Live Boldly

    Unlikely Friends

    When Ruth went to work in the fields of Boaz, little did she know that he would eventually become her husband. While working for him, she experienced his Godly character when he provided for her and protected her. Likewise, Boaz saw Ruth’s actions and her heart and commented that she was a woman of noble character. Both Ruth and Boaz not only did what was right, but did it right away. They shared the quality of thinking of others before themselves and the Lord orchestrated a beautiful relationship through their thoughtful actions. Sometimes in life we encounter people by what might seem as chance. But each and every person enters…

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  • Divine Encounters

    A Very Good Day

    Sometimes at the end of the day I will reflect on all the activities that took place throughout the day. Usually I evaluate if the day was productive or not; so many factors seem to add up for the daily score and judgement. Good day or bad day? When did life get so complicated? Why do I make it so complicated? Yesterday I was blessed to spend a few hours with my granddaughters while their parents had a date night. We didn’t do anything monumental or out of the ordinary, but at the end of the evening both girls made the comment, “Thank you Grandma, this was a good day!”…

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  • Live Boldly

    Watchful – Connecting Friends

    Who doesn’t like a good deal, a sale or a special event. We don’t know everything so it’s nice to have watchful friends who will share the good news when it’s found. The disciple Andrew was this type of friend. He was a follower of John the Baptist and was watching and waiting for John’s words about the coming Messiah to be fulfulled. When John pointed him to Jesus saying, ” Behold, the Lamb of God,” Andrew immediately left and followed Jesus. The first thing Andrew did after meeting Jesus was to find his brother Simon and tell him, “We have found the Messiah!” And he brought him to Jesus.…

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  • Live Boldly

    Forgiving Friends

    Don’t you just love those old commercials that played the song, “I sorry. So Sorry,” and showed pictures of cute little puppies staring at you. How could you stay mad at them and not forgive whatever mess they made with those big puppy eyes melting your heart. If only it was that easy; forgiveness that is. It would definitely make things so much easier, but the reality is that forgiveness is often very difficult. Why is that? I recently read a book that explained how we not only need to forgive the offence but the effects that it may cause in the future. That’s why forgiveness is a continual process,…

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  • Live Boldly

    Comforting Friends

    This life is going to give us challenges and seasons of grief. But we can find hope in the comforting words of Jesus, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” He has dealt with the issues that cause pain and suffering, however we will still feel the hurt and loss in this life. That is why He blessed us with comforting friends. This type of friend is with you when your heart is breaking. They cry with you, love on you, encourage you and they walk through the trials with you. Even years later you will remember the many kindnesses of these friends. It’s a funny…

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  • Live Boldly

    Friendly Counsel

    Think about how many times you’ve called a friend or met with them to get their advise. Sometimes just having some girl time can help you unload your thoughts and see things more clearly. What a gift it is to have friends that will give you Godly counsel. In our society we see many business leaders, politicians and people who surround themselves with “Yes” men; people who will tell them whatever they want to hear. Over and over in the bible we read different stories and the terrible outcomes of people who accepted advise and counsel from people who just want to tickle their ears. There are also stories of…

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  • Live Boldly


    Some of our very first friends in life have been our sisters. They usually know more about us than anyone else. We’ve laughed with them, fought with them and grown up with them. If you don’t have biological sisters you are still in luck as a believer because you have a bunch of sisters in Christ. Just like biological sisters, we can have all types of experiences with our sisters in Christ. There will be women that we are more drawn to than others and that’s okay. We are blessed with a wide range of ages from new believers to experienced mentors, all have a beautiful purpose. Think about the…

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  • Live Boldly

    What Does Friendship Really Mean?

    Friendships are bonds between two or more people who want to engage with one another. It involves having mutual interest in each other’s thoughts, feelings and experiences. Friendships work on reciprocity of trust, respect, emotional support and admiration. True friendship is so much more than pressing a friend button on a social media site. While those friends usually have the same interests or thoughts, they generally are not the deeper emotional relationships that come from experiencing life together. Imagine if the four men who carried their paralyzed friend to Christ would have just hit the like button when he posted a picture of his condition and commented that they were…

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  • Divine Encounters


    I had the opportunity to spend some time with my youngest granddaughter Remi the other day. We walked around the yard hand in hand and talked with each other, ate lunch together and just enjoyed one another’s company. Later she was sitting on my lap running her fingers through my hair when she said, “Grandma, you are my bestest friend ever.” You can just imagine how my heart melted upon hearing those words. More than anything I want to be a Godly influence in her life. As with all friendships this will take time, but I’m more than willing to enjoy the journey along the way. I’m honored and humbled…

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  • Live Boldly

    Best Friends

    You’ve probably seen the necklaces that have a heart with the words, “Best Friends,” engraved on them and they separate into two necklaces so each friend can wear one as a reminder of their friendship. Nowadays friends might even get matching tattoos for the same reason. When I see people with them it makes me wonder what made them best friends and what’s their story. They may have grown up together, had sleep overs, shared their deepest secrets and spend countless hours talking with each other. Whatever the reason, they want others to see and know that they have a best friend. Ruth and Naomi became best friends through the…

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