A Week of Encounters
This week has been an extraordianary week for Divine Encounters. The first one started off with a client wanting to meet personally about some airline tickets. I was a bit hesitant, but only because it would require me to get moving earlier than I wanted on a Monday morning. It would not be a wear your PJ’s to work kind of day. While waiting for our appointment I prayed about which devotional I should read. The Lord led me to one of my favoirite sites www.jesusplusnothing.com and I scrolled through the topics. When I read the heading Psalm 40 I was intrigued and began reading. It spoke to the very…
Get Comfortable With Jesus
One thing about Martha was her boldness. There are two recorded instances in the bible where she had no problem venting her frustrations to Jesus. Apparently she was very comfortable with Him and knew that despite her instant reactions, He loved her. She was comfortable telling Jesus her frustrations with others as she did concerning Mary. Jesus responded by lovingly telling her what really mattered. Next she comfortable telling Jesus about her pain and sorrows when she confronted Him about Lazarus dying. Jesus again in a loving manner with tears in His eyes, encouraged her and reminded her of the resurrection. Mary was also comfortable with Jesus as she sat…
Resting In Him, Is Not Lazy
There is always too much to do! In our hurried and frenzied world we run around preparing, cooking, cleaning and so many other things that we can’t even imagine what it would be like to sit down and enjoy the company of others. Serving others and meeting their needs is a great thing, but so is taking a break to refocus and recognize what’s really important. Martha was basically accusing Mary of being lazy, but the truth was that Mary was focusing on being in the presence of God. God gives us abilities and talents and wants us to be productive, but not at the expense of time to rest…
Scheduling – Give It To God
Whether you are a to do list type of person or a fly by the seat of your pants personality, at some point we all have schedules to deal with. Schedules for work, school, church, exercise, doctor’s appointments and so much more. Scheduling is where priorities come together on paper or electronically if that’s your thing and trying to figure out how to fit it all in can be exhausting. That’s where we can learn from Martha’s example. When she was frustrated she took it to Jesus. When she was hurt and overwhelmed, she took it to Jesus. Whatever you’re facing, no matter how big or small, you can always…
You’ve heard it said that there is a time and place for everything. When Jesus was speaking with Martha about choosing the ONE thing that was important, He was demonstrating that very truth. Each of us are uniquely made with different gifts and talents to use for God’s purposes in our lives. Some have the gift of hopsitality, some teaching, some cooking and others organization. Whatever your giftings are, they are important and are given to you by God. But regardless of what our giftings are or the positions that we fill with our talents, we need to remember that God should always be our first priority and always make…
In the first story of Martha in the Bible, Martha is comparing herself to her sister Mary. She is doing all the work and her sister is lounging about and Martha is frustrated with the unfairness of it all. As women, we tend to do this a lot. We compare ourselves to the other ladies at church, in our jobs and in the check out lines at the grocery store. We use others as a measuring stick for our own self worth. When we look at others and feel like they have it all and we are stuck with the short end of the stick……resentment starts to build. “Why does…
Be Humble
The name Martha is translated, in Hebrew, as lady boss, mistress or land lady and it kind of helps me get a mental picture of her. She was a woman who was in charge and making things happen. A woman focused on her to do list and didn’t appreciate what she perceived as laziness or dilly dallying. Martha wanted recognition for her good deeds and her hard work. She wanted Jesus to brag on her and praise her for her cooking and preparing the meal. Can you relate to her? I’m sure we’ve all at some time or other, wanted someone to notice our hard work and maybe even give…
Hi Darlin
Have you ever had one of those days or weeks that you just didn’t feel like yourself. Tears come easily, your hair won’t go right no matter what products you used on it and everything you wear, in your mind, makes you look fat. And you have no explaination for why you feel that way, you just do. Years ago a friend of mine told me she called those days “The Molly Grubs.” When you were having one of those days you could simply say, “I’m got the Molly Grubs,” and everyone understood. Most often it would just take time for those feelings to go away. Other times a simple…
Martha is a woman in the bible that I can relate too. She is a hard worker who, at times, feels overwhelmed by her commitments and worries about things that she feels have great importance. Although I’ve never spoke to Jesus face to face, I have exhibited the same attitude in my requests and prayers as Martha did. “Lord, don’t you see how hard I’m working. Can’t you make them help me?” Most often when I make those requests of the Lord, His response is, “My grace is sufficient.” For the longest time I understood that to mean that He would give me the strength, energy and wisdom to accomplish…
Holy of Holies
A message I recently read really challenged my attitude about my quiet time with God. I look forward to it each morning and I know that my whole day starts better when I make sure that I have this time. But often my attitude can slip to the mindset of a to do list rather than the intimate time with God that it is intended to be. The writer of the article said that she viewed her quiet time as her time of entering the Holy of Holies. In the bible the Holy of Holies was a place located deep within the tabernacle and eventually in the temple and was…