Perfect Love Casts Out Fear
The story of Jochebed and her infant son demonstrates how love overcomes fear. Her love for her child was greater than her fear of the king’s command. I read a book a few years ago that told of a young woman who was a christian living in Rome during the rule of the Nero. Due to a series of events in her life she ended up in the arena to be killed by lions for the entertainment of the crowd. As she entered the arena the shouts of the onlookers was so great that the ground shook beneath her feet. They wanted to see believers die for sport at the…
Self – Control
It takes a certain presence of mind to exhibit grace under pressure and that was a quality that Jochebed had. Imagine the level of self-control she demonstrated when she stood in front of Pharaoah’s daughter and accepted the job of caring for her own infant son. The joy in her heart and the ache in her arms to hold her child must have been overwhelming. I don’t know if I could have held it together long enough to leave the palace before shouting with joy and praising God for His miraculous works. In this case the Godly character of self-control helped her reign in her joy so she could stay…
This is the season of family reunions and celebrations. People gather together to share love, food, memories and time with one another. There will be laughter, tears, hugs and kisses all from thankful hearts of loved ones that have be reunited. Can you imagine the celebration that took place when Jochebed was reunited with her infant son after being saved by Pharaoh’s daughter on the Nile river? Oh the tears of joy that must have been shed along with the laughter and praises to God for His miraculous intervention. After Pharaoh’s daughter had Moses pulled from the river, Miriam courageously approached the princess and offered to help her find a…
A Sister’s Watchful Care
“His sister stood at a distance to see what would happen to him. Then his sister asked Pharaoh’s daughter, Shall I go and get one of the Hebrew women to nurse the baby for you? And the little girl went and got the baby’s mother.” (Exodus 2: 4, 7-8) Miriam was Moses’s sister and her role as a watchful sister was part of God’s plan and purpose in saving his life. As young as she was, she showed great courage and initiative when she approached Pharaoh’s daughter and suggested a plan that would help reunite Moses and his mother. No doubt there was only a few moments in which Miriam…
The Daughter of Pharaoh
Pharaoh’s daughter was destined to be the woman who would save a baby from a terrible death, care for him although he was a Hebrew, and lay the foundation of his great work for God. As an Egyptian woman, the princess enjoyed great liberty. Along with her female attendants, she came to a reserved part of the Nile to wash seeing its waters were considered to be healthy. Seeing the small basket, Pharaoh’s daughter sent one of her maidens to fetch it. As soon as she opened it and saw the child, she had compassion on him in spite of the fact that he was one of the Hebrew’s children,…
Waiting For A Miracle
But when she could hide him no longer, she got a papyrus basket for him and coated it with tar and pitch. Then she placed the child in it and put it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile. His sister stood at a distance to see what would happen to him. (Exodus 2:2-4) No doubt you have found yourself in a similar situation. Someone you love is in need of a miracle whether it’s for healing, salvation, protection or even provision and you have prayed and done all you can to help them. Now you stand at a distance and watch to see what will happen, what God will do. When you think…
The Sufferer’s Holiday
Earlier this week I was blessed to host a Surviving the Holidays event with the Grief Share program. As the topic of Christmas was presented in the video, one of the counselors commented that Christmas is the sufferer’s holiday. It’s the season that reminds us that God understands our hurts and heartaches at the loss of a loved one. It’s why He sent His Son…..to end suffering, sin and pain. It’s why we can look at this season with hope in the promise that one day, He will wipe away every tear and there will be no more death. Jesus is the fulfillment of that promise and His birth is…
Lord, I Can Hide No Longer
After three months of hiding her infant son, Jochebed could hide him no longer. She got a papyrus basket for him and coated it with tar and pitch then placed the child in it and put it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile river. (Exodus 2:3-4) Isn’t it interesting that the baby ended up in the Nile river after all. Not as Pharaoh intended, but rather how God had orchestrated. The very river that the enemy meant for evil, God used for good as the tiny basket was discovered by none other that Pharaoh’s daughter who had compassion on the babe and adopted him as her own.…
Take Action
In yesterday’s blog we learned about the midwives who took a stand in the face of evil and defied the orders of the king by not doing as he commanded. Today we continue our story with Jochebed, the mother of Moses, who took action against that same decree. Jochebed had just given birth to her third child, a son. Imagine looking into the face of an innocent, beautiful gift from God and hearing the words of a tyrant saying, “throw all baby boys in the Nile river.” What kind of a monster could do such a thing? She knew that the decree was wrong and there was little she could…
Take A Stand
This week we had the opportunity to vote. It’s a privilege that many other countries do not have. With our votes we have the opportunity to change things and make them better for our communities, our states and our nation. But sometimes policies and laws are given that are not right and do not serve a Godly purpose. What do you do then? You take a stand. Shiphrah and Puah were two Hebrew midwives that were faced with that exact situation. A mandate had been given by the king that all male Hebrew babies were to be killed. These women would told by the king that when they were helping…