Lord, Will You Fight This Battle For Me?
As Believers we are painfully aware that we’re involved in a spiritual battle for our souls. In our own efforts we are unevenly matched with an enemy that uses his powers in the most evil ways possible. He delights when we stumble and fall. He welcomes us with open arms when we backslide. He lies because he is the father of lies. His only focus is to render us ineffective for God. That’s why it’s necessary for us as believers to allow the Lord to take control of our personal battles; recognizing that it is the only way we can be assured of victory. We don’t have to fight this…
Do You Trust Me?
When I hear the words, do you trust me, I’m often reminded of the times when people are working on trust building exercises like falling backwards into the arms of those who promise to catch them. It’s an adrenaline filled challenge that quickly reveals your level of trust in those involved. We can also feel that same anxiousness when God asks if we trust Him. Do you trust me with your loved ones? Your marriage? Your finances? Your health? Our response reveals our level of trust in God. Many times we hold tight to these things because we love and treasure them and we think we know better how to…
Last week I went shopping for a turkey for Thanksgiving. While I was gathering all the items to make the traditional dinner I kept getting the prompting that I was to buy two of everything so I did. As the days passed I wondered who was to receive the extra meal. Then last night I was unable to sleep and spent some time in my prayer room. I was then lead to contact a friend of ours who is a leader in a local motorcycle club. They often have charity rides to help out others and it was an avenue that I hadn’t thought of previously. This morning I sent…
Recognizing God’s Hand
Over the last several weeks as we’ve been studying the faith of Jochebed, I’ve been learning to watch and see what God is doing. Often when we pray we have our own idea on how we see it being answered. But in addition to our petitions, we need to ask God to help us recognize His hand in our situations and circumstances so that we can recognize His answer to our prayers no matter how different they are from our expectations. I was told years ago that after I prayed I needed to watch and see what happened next. It created an expectation in my heart to see what God…
Rewards of Faith
The story of Jochebed is a clear example of how God gives, provides, and answers more abundantly than we can even ask or imagine. That’s how God does things. He does them in a big way if we dare to trust Him. As we journey through life all of us will have our faith tried. The bible tells us in all this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is…
Response to Faith
The entire story of Jochebed can be seen as one Godly response to faith after another all because she dared to trust in His Word. That faith set into motion a whole chain of events that served His purpose and honored her faith. The daughter of Pharaoh choosing to bathe in the river at that exact time and place. The baby crying just at the right moment. Her heart filling with compassion and a desire to protect this child, that by her father’s decree should die. Miriam suggesting the child’s own mother to be the one to nurse him and the princess agreeing and even paying her for her services.…
Exercising Faith
Years ago I decided to take up running as a positive way of filling some of my time when I became an empty nester. On the first day I took off running and within a couple of minutes I was completely out of breath and had only covered a short distance. Not at all what I expected. Over time I learned that many different components went into making a good run. Proper stretching, training, breathing techniques and even the way I tied my shoes all became factors in reaching the finish line. Likewise our faith is something that must be exercised in order to grow. Faith is not testing God…
Foundation of Faith
Why do we believe what we believe? Is it because we are following what our parents and grandparents believed and taught us or perhaps what the masses tell us to believe. Is your foundation of faith based on the promises of God’s word and do you know those promises for yourself? Jochebed knew the promises of God and that He had foretold the bondage that the Israelites would experience in Egypt. She also knew that God had promised Abraham that the children of Israel would never perish. God’s word to Abraham was very specific, “Know for certain that for four hundred years your descendants will be strangers in a country not…
Trial of Faith
Faith is one of the most frequently used words in the Christian vocabulary. As believers in Christ, we have already demonstrated saving faith which took place the moment that we surrendered our hearts and lives to Jesus by accepting His sacrifice on the cross for our sins and when we chose to accept His authority over our lives as our Lord and Savior. The next step is sustaining faith which is belief in the assurance that the things which God has said in His Word are true and that God will keep the promises that He has made. Exercising sustaining faith is a life long process and God has provided…
When Tempted
Yesterday I was thinking through the events of my week so I could choose a Divine Encounter to write about. There were a few that stood out in my mind, but for whatever reason I didn’t feel lead to share them. Then this morning I knew why and what to share. Last night I was having one of those moments where I felt angry about some comments that my husband had made. Rather than thinking through the situation and letting go of words that in the long run didn’t really matter, I chose to marinate them over and over in my mind. I say marinate because I was soaking in…