Live Boldly

Lighten Up

I put myself on a timer all the time so I’m always rushing to get things done. Some examples are unloading the dishwasher before my coffee finishes brewing or getting the house clean before Tracy finishes mowing the lawn. I like lists and feeling a sense of accomplishment when I can cross something off of them. There have been times that I’ve put things on my list that are already finished, just to cross them off.

I’m not sure why I do it, other than I like seeing measurable results. I won’t win any medals or get pats on the back for completing a list of projects. My reward is usually a feeling of pride at finishing the tasks, tired from the all the physical and mental energy spent to do them and some frustration that others don’t have the same passion to complete the list that I do.

This same mentality pushes me to do intense workouts and creates feelings of failure if I miss one or get off my schedule. I’ve exercised without sleep, ran while sick and biked with injuries just so my routine continues and I can mark another to do off my list. Generally my response to being off my routine or not completing my to do list is to overreact.

In my Season of Change I’ve been given the message to “Lighten Up.” There was a commercial on TV for Snickers Almond candy bars. Two men are driving in a car and one of the men has a way of saying almond but without the “L” – amond. The other man corrects his pronunciation a few times and continues to get frustrated, finally he opens the door and jumps out of the car while driving on the road. Then the announcer says, “don’t overreact, have a Snickers.” It’s insane, but funny.

On my way to work the other day I was having a conversation with God. Well, in truth, I was complaining about something to God and mentioned how frustrating it was and yes, I was being quite extreme. All of a sudden the commercial popped into my mind and it was like God was saying, “aren’t you overreacting.” My first thought was, “yes, but I’m not going to jump out of a moving car.” It was so funny and perfectly timed. Thank you Lord, I love Your sense of humor.

He had a better solution for me, a way that I can see results for tasks that really matter. It was Galatians 5: 22-23 (The Passion Translation)

But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions:

joy that overflows,
peace that subdues,
patience that endures,
kindness in action,
a life full of virtue,
faith that prevails,
gentleness of heart, and
strength of spirit.

Never set the law above these qualities, for they are meant to be limitless.

According to, “the fruit of the Holy Spirit is the result of the Holy Spirit’s presence in the life of a Christian. The Bible makes it clear that everyone receives the Holy Spirit the moment he or she believes in Jesus Christ. One of the primary purposes of the Holy Spirit coming into a Christian’s life is to change that life. It is the Holy Spirit’s job to conform us to the image of Christ, making us more like Him. The fruit of the Spirit is what God desires our lives to exhibit and, with the Holy Spirit’s help, it is possible!”

Those results are worth striving for and having a passion to achieve. They are not based on my schedule, routine or performance, but simply on my personal relationship with Christ – on limitless love.

He wants to change my life so that I become more like Christ. As I mentioned in another blog, that will require me to let go of some things and trust that He knows what’s best. Letting go of things that weigh me down and make it all about me and what I can do. Lightening up would mean to free up my to do list and simply be me, the way He created me to be.

I will still have everyday tasks, but my attitude towards them could be better. Instead of racing around I could have a spirit of peace and joy and still accomplish what needs to be done. My workout routines could have self control tempered with patience and wisdom. My response to others involvement in projects could include gentleness and kindness towards them, regardless of the outcome.

The results of choosing to “lighten up” would be less overreacting moments and more Spirit filled moments. I like the sound of that even better than a Snickers bar.

My prayer

Father, thank you for Your humor and fun ways that you communicate with me. Thank you for Your limitless love that only wants what’s best for me and gives me Your Holy Spirit to guide me. Help me to lighten up and choose to produce the fruit of Your Spirit in me. I want to be more like You. Amen

Where does my help come from?

Galatians 5: 22-23 (NIV)

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,  gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”

Isaiah 55:8-9

” For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
    neither are your ways my ways,”
declares the Lord.
 “As the heavens are higher than the earth,
    so are my ways higher than your ways
    and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

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