Lessons In the Waiting: Wide-Eyed Wonder
When you think of Spring 2020 words like pandemic, quarantine, Covid 19 and toilet paper hoarding might come to mind. Yet through all the chaos and uncertainty there are many lessons to be learned in the waiting. This time is a gift from our loving God.

My workday started with an opportunity to share about the Gideon Style Victory post from yesterday with my co-worker. The message was very timely as we received an update that the travel bands had been extended once again. One by one we started marking off client vacations that had to been cancelled.
This time however we had a much different attitude about the cancellations. With each notice we believed that God was reducing our numbers for a Divine purpose and that in His perfect timing and way, a God sized miracle will happen.
I began paperwork and tried to login to the bank’s website which was experiencing technical difficulties and suggested I try again later. Usually this would add to the list of reasons to be frustrated, but again, I was reminded that God’s got a plan in place.
Later as I was driving back to the office after lunch I thought about what some of His future possibilities might be and it created a joyful excitement and expectation in my soul. It gave me a Wide-Eyed Wonder as to what He is up to.
For the first time every I wasn’t worried about the future. No matter how bleak it may look from my view, I know that it rests in His capable hands. In the waiting I get to watch and praise Him for what He’ll do next and right now He’s just setting the stage for a God sized outcome.
I’ve been reading the book Double Blessing by Mark Batterson and he made the following statement; “Gratitude is thanking God after He does it, and that’s great. But faith is next-level gratitude. Faith is thanking God before He does it. It’s prophesying your praise!”
I want that kind of faith! That experience of Wide-eyed Wonder today touched me in a powerful way. It reminded me that with God, the possibilities are endless and I have much to be thankful for in the days ahead.
My Prayer
Father, experiencing You and sharing You today was such a joy. The way You provided so many opportunities for my faith to grow only reminded me that You have a beautiful plan in place. I’m awe struck by the joy and peace that came from truly believing Your words to me. Thank you Lord! What a beautiful day! In Jesus’ name, amen.
Where does my help come from?
Psalm 145:2
Every day I will bless you
and praise your name forever and ever.