Live Boldly

Lessons In the Waiting: Provided Beforehand

When you think of Spring 2020 words like pandemic, quarantine, Covid 19 and toilet paper hoarding might come to mind. Yet through all the chaos and uncertainty there are many lessons to be learned in the waiting. This time is a gift from our loving God.

In the Travel Agency that I work at the majority of the commissions earned from Cruise lines and Tour Operators are received during the first quarter of each year. All those trips are booked during the previous fall and winter months and after the clients travel for the holidays and Spring Break we receive our commissions. Those commissions usually give us our running capital for the year. Because of this we have a general idea of how the year will go based on the amount of pending commissions at the beginning of the year.

At the beginning of 2020 my expected revenue was higher than it has ever been before. It was more than required for my entire yearly quota. I was extremely excited because I knew that in the new year I would be taking on additional responsibilities that would decrease the amount of time I had to sell new trips. I believed this was God’s provision so that I would not have to worry about making my quota each month.

Little did I know the impact that would be caused by the coronavirus that was about to hit. Cruises, flights and tours were being cancelled daily. Clients were first frustrated and then panicked. With each cancellation came loss of commissions and revenue to the agency. Yet my job was to reassure my clients and give them hope.

I hadn’t slept well thinking about all the details even though I knew I could lay down and sleep in peace if I chose to dwell on the promises of God.

One morning after a thorough review of the impact I began to feel overwhelmed at the forecast. Everything shifted. It was wonderful when trips were salvaged and rescheduled for later dates, but the income for our office would now also be received much later than originally planned creating gaps in the budget.

The words of Philippians 4:6-7 came to mind. “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

I prayed and cried telling God how I needed help in my faith to believe that He’s got this. I prayed for wisdom to lead the office as if I was doing it for Him and I thanked Him for good health, a good job and especially for my husband and our family.

Immediately He showed me that He provided those extra commissions because He knew what was coming. Even with the amount of trips cancelled there is still enough to get through the year.

He had been looking out and providing for me long before the crisis arrived. Thank you Lord!

I’ve been reading a bible study in Isaiah and on a much bigger and definitely more important scale, God, since before the world began has be preparing a way for us by providing a Savior.

He knew what was coming and He provided everything we need to overcome. Jesus is that way and that provision and He has overcome this world. Thank you Lord!

My Prayer

Father all I can humbly say is Thank You. You are the way maker, the promise keeper and You are My God! I am so grateful that You provided a Savior for me. You gave me hope and continue to encourage me everyday. I trust You Lord. I will wait for Your timing and believe in Your word. Thank you Lord! In Jesus’ name, amen.

Where does my hope come from?

Psalm 121: 1-2

I lift up my eyes to the mountains—
    where does my help come from?
 My help comes from the Lord,
    the Maker of heaven and earth.

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