Live Boldly

Lessons In the Waiting: Peace in the Chaos

When you think of March 2020 words like pandemic, quarantine, Covid 19 and toilet paper hoarding come to mind. Yet through all the chaos and uncertainty there are many lessons to be learned in the waiting. This time is a gift from our loving God.

On March 1, 2020 I was on a beach in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico. Usually when I’m at a beach in the early morning hours, I find serenity, peace and tranquility. That was not the case the entire week I was there.

One early morning while sitting on a beach chair I was trying to focus on my daily devotional. Several people were walking the beach, birds were chirping and the sun was shining. But, there was an unusual amount of noise. People speaking loudly on their cell phones and the music from the resort were drowning out the sound of the waves hitting the shore.

I was getting very frustrated and could not concentrate. All I wanted was some quiet time with God on the beach. As the noise increased so did my prayers and then my answer came. “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you declares the Lord.” (Jeremiah 29:13-14)

He was showing me that He was present and available if I chose to truly seek Him; regardless of my surroundings. With His help I was able to tune out the noise that was preventing me from focusing on Him. I was reminded that the storm was not quiet when Peter was walking on the water. He had to choose what he focused on; the waves or the Savior.

Before going on vacation, due to circumstances at my job, I felt that the vacation was going to be the calm before the storm. I knew that upon my return the office would experience huge changes and a little R &R beforehand would be nice.

That wasn’t the case. The vacation was not relaxing and in fact was a bit chaotic, yet that’s exactly the environment God chose to teach me a lesson in stillness. In His mercy He was preparing me for what would lie ahead. He was teaching me how to find stillness amidst the chaos. A gift that would be greatly needed in the month ahead.

After experiencing His presence in such a powerful way amidst the noise, I found myself more excited each day to seek Him out. The noisier the better. That only made the reward of finding Him all the greater.

My Prayer

Father I thank you that You provide the most unique classrooms for teaching me. Thank you for showing me how to seek and find You in any circumstance. Thank you for preparing me for what was to come. Thank you for giving me so much joy in finding You. I Love You Lord! In Jesus’ name, amen.

Where does my help come from?

Jeremiah 29:13-14

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.  I will be found by you,” declares the Lord,

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