Live Boldly

Lessons In the Waiting: Momentary

When you think of Spring 2020 words like pandemic, quarantine, Covid 19 and toilet paper hoarding might come to mind. Yet through all the chaos and uncertainty there are many lessons to be learned in the waiting. This time is a gift from our loving God.

I would guess that if you asked anyone experiencing this quarantine if it feels momentary the answer would be a definite, “No.” When the first announcements of the quarantine were issued, two weeks sounded like forever and then it was extended. Two weeks seemed long, but now a full month seems like eternity. Waiting is hard to do, yet in the waiting amazing things happen.

Even though my husband and I are both still working full time all of our other activities outside the home have ceased resulting in a lot of extra time on our hands. Projects that have be set aside are getting finished and we are finding that we talk even more with each other. I also noticed that I call family and friends more frequently than I did before.

This morning I read 2 Corinthians 4:17 which reads, “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” That was so encouraging to me because I was crying out to God about circumstances and His word told me that those circumstances were momentary, meaning lasting for a short time; brief. It was the reassurance that I needed; this too will pass in God’s timing.

So what do we do in the waiting? I’ve noticed in my life and in watching social media that people are finding ways to encourage others, celebrate events and continue living in a new way. People now have time for each other and are finding creative ways to do all the above while quarantined.

Great things can happen in the waiting of confinement. Think about the apostle Paul. While imprisoned he wrote several books in the New Testament and continued to teach and encourage others including us as we read the Word of God!

Paul didn’t sit around waiting for the confinement to end. He was active in seeking God and serving others and because of his actions many came to know the Lord and received eternal glory, which as the Word says outweighs our momentary troubles.

With that said, what are you waiting for? We have this time as a gift from God to make a difference in the lives of others. Smile at people in the grocery stores, thank them for their dedication. Wave at your neighbors and call a friend just to say, “Hi.” Let people know that everyone is essential and experience the glory that far outweighs our momentary troubles.

My Prayer

Father I thank you for the time You are giving us to re-evaluate our priorities and spend more time with You. Help us to joyfully reach out to others and let them know that they matter and that they are essential regardless of the what they do. Help us be messengers of hope to a fearful world and take joy in working with You while in confinement. You are a good God! In Jesus’ name, amen.

Where does my hope come from?

2 Corinthians 4:17

“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.”

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