Live Boldly


J.M. Barrie said, “God gave us memories that we might have roses in December.” It’s not the time of year to be landscaping outside in our area, but the memories of beautiful flowers, green grass and leafy trees sure make for nice thoughts.

The previous owner of the home we purchased was an amazing gardener. She spent hours and years planting all types of flowers, shrubbery and trees. All throughout the year we were continually surprised as new plants sprouted during different seasons and plants almost magically appeared in the most unique display of colors, sizes and textures.

The sprinkler system was designed to make sure each and every plant was watered and the landscaping bricks and logs protected the flower beds while holding in the bark. All her hard work over the years has made the yard easy to keep up and a beautiful work of art to see.

I thoroughly enjoy roses but have never been able to grow them myself. In this yard there are red, yellow, lavender, white and pink roses that bloom throughout the year. There are many other plants that I don’t even know the name of and to my joy and surprise, my favorite, bleeding hearts, which bloomed right on time.

I came across a verse in the bible today that made me think of all the beauty that I enjoyed from the yard this year. It is James 1:21 – “In simple humility, let our gardener, God, landscape you with the Word, making a salvation-garden of your life.” (The Message) Isn’t that beautiful!

This made for a wonderful reminder for me. Just like the woman who planted and worked the soil, God is planting His word in us, working it into our lives with a plan of a beautiful outcome. There is always access to His living water and He has surrounded us with His love and protection.

He has designed us to bloom in seasons and to be dormant in others. He gives us such variety, boldness and beauty. In our lives at times, there will be thorns and bleeding hearts, but there will also be times that our lives will bring joy, fragrance and happiness.

There will be times of weeding and pruning, but these times make us grow stronger and reach the potential we are created for. Giving ourselves to others brings them joy, happiness and reminds them that they are valued.

Maintaining a garden takes dedication and work, but the results are worth every moment. Weeds can spring up in no time and overtake the landscape. Lack of water can dry out the soil and the plants shrivel up. But the good news is that the weeds can be uprooted and removed, water can bring back new life to plants that were once thought dead.

Thinking of your life as a garden, what type of garden would it be? The word said that God is making a “salvation-garden” of our lives by landscaping us with His word. That means we are “redemption” gardens. We have been saved to be a blessing to others.

By submitting to God’s gardening in our lives, we are trusting that He knows best, that wherever He leads us, it’s for a purpose and that when we bloom, it’s at the perfect time. His thoughts for us are good!

Every time my granddaughters would stop by for visit they would go into the yard to see what new flowers had bloomed. They would then pick a few for themselves and always made sure to pick some for their mom.

I think that’s what God wants in us, to bloom where He has placed us and be a source of joy and encouragement to others, something that they will want to share with others. Isn’t that how we became believers? We saw the beauty in the life of another believer and wanted some for ourselves and those we love? That’s being a salvation-garden with our lives.

My prayer

Father, thank you for Your word and the many ways that You open my mind to receive it. I’m so grateful that You take the time to work in me and that You see the beauty within. Help me submit to Your pruning and be patient in times of stillness. Thank you for color and variety. You are always up to something new and I pray that my life will be a salvation garden as You intended. In Jesus name. Amen

Where does my help come from?

Psalm 1:3 (The Passion Translation)

“They will be standing firm like a flourishing tree planted by God’s design, deeply rooted by the brooks of bliss, bearing fruit in every season of their lives. They are never dry, never fainting, ever blessed, ever prosperous.”

Psalm 1: 3 – (The Message)

“Instead you thrill to God’s Word,
    you chew on Scripture day and night.
You’re a tree replanted in Eden,
    bearing fresh fruit every month,
Never dropping a leaf,
    always in blossom.”

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