Live Boldly

Jesus Wept

Yesterday I was viewing a few blog posts from the Proverbs 31 Ministries. One that really stood out to me was by Liz Curtis Higgs called “When God Cries.” She referred to John 11:35 -“Jesus wept,” in her post and shared her story of losing her brother.

That verse has long held a special place in my heart. It was one that I clung tightly to after Brock went to be with Jesus. I knew that He felt my pain and knowing that the Savior of the world understood what I was going through, gave me comfort.

In the article she commented that Jesus was distressed, enraged in the spirit, a deep anger welled up within Him. (John 11:33 NLT). The Passion Translation explains it this way: Was he angry at the mourners? Not at all. He was angry over the work of the devil in taking the life of his friend. The verse goes on to say that He was deeply moved with tenderness and compassion (His heart melted with compassion). Liz explained it very well in saying, “He was angry with death itself and the grave’s power to rob His people of hope, of joy of peace.

Verse 36 continues to say, “See how He loved him!” The people gathered around saw that the Son of God wept. He felt the sorrow and pain of His friends and He feels our sorrow and pain too.

The blog message and the bible study that I just finished, “It’s not suppose to be this way,” were both very timely. I was reminded how personal our Savior is, the comfort He gave and continues to give me, at the loss of Brock and seeing over the years so many moments of purpose.

Later in the day I found out that a friend of mine had just lost her youngest son in a terrible car accident. My heart breaks for her and I would do anything to take away all the pain she is facing. I wanted to pray that too, but when I asked God what He would want me to pray for her I was reminded of what I had just learned in the bible study and what I had experienced first hand over the years.

God has a purpose. Taking away all the hurt and pain in an instant would not serve that purpose. I know that He will walk through each and every moment with my friend, that He understands every emotion she is going through and He will bring her through all of this. Only He knows what those purposes are, but if family members are saved, faith and trust restored and hope secured in His promise of eternity are just a few of those purposes, I know that my friend will continue to praise Him in the storms.

My prayer

Father, thank you for the love and compassion that You show us especially when lives are broken and all hope fails. Surround my friend with Your loving arms and hold her tight. I know that You hold her tears and that You make all things new. Be her refuge, her strong tower and her Prince of Peace. In Jesus name, Amen.

Where does my hope come from?

Psalm 46:1

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.”

Revelation 21:5

“And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.”

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