Divine Encounters,  Live Boldly

Janice – A Shot of Joy

This week I want to tell you about Janice. She works in the same building that I do and every morning she is a highlight of the day. I have never seen her in anything but a joyful mood. She arrives early to fill in at a small coffee shop for her daughter as they are moving to another location.

She never misses a moment to say “Good Morning,” to anyone passing by. We work in an historic building and the floors are similar to cobblestone and the ceilings are very high and open which echoes when you walk on them with high hills.

Janice has nicknamed me “Happy Feet,” because she can always hear me walking towards my office.

I look forward to seeing her each day because she is an early morning shot of joy. She serves up more than coffee, she makes every person feel like they matter, that they are noticed.

Some mornings you can see how tired she is, but even with tired eyes she has a big smile and cheerful voice. She is going to be missed when the shop is moved to it’s new location. But for now, I’m going to take in every morning moment with Janice. She’s better than coffee, she’s a gift of joy.

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