It’s Not Just About Food
Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a right and steadfast spirit within me. – Psalm 51:10

As this Royal Make Over continues I am learning that it isn’t just about eating healthy and exercising regularly. It’s about aligning everything in me to the will of God. While I’ve experienced some success in the weight loss category, I’m beginning to realize that there is excess weight remaining in the emotional areas of my life that also needs to be addressed and removed.
Some of those areas are anger, bitterness, resentment and pride. They each hold weight that my spirit was never intended to bear and they all effect my overall health and wellness.
I learned new scripts (Bible Verses) when I began this journey that I would repeat when I was tempted to eat the wrong foods or for the wrong reasons. That has been one of the most helpful ways to overcome temptations. Now it’s time to do the same with emotions.
I need to start by searching God’s Word about each of those emotions and when the moment arises that I feel that emotion, I will be able to speak God’s Truth into the situation.
Just today I was given several opportunities to exercise patience with other people and work on my anger and pride issues. Several students crowded in line at a local restaurant while I was getting my lunch. Instantly I was angry and began thinking about how my time was more valuable than theirs.
In the big picture, I wasn’t in a rush and it truly was not as big of a deal as I was making it out to be. Instead of getting angry and prideful I should have chosen to be grateful for the time I had to pick up lunch from a fun new restaurant. I should have shown grace with a sincere heart and been genuinely happy for the restaurant owner at having so many customers to serve.
Looks like I have a lot more work to do, but thankfully God is patiently teaching and correcting me.