Live Boldly

It’s Freezing Cold

I have recently come to know a young woman who has an incredible story and heart for God. She is passionate about the work she does and when she prays and speaks you know without a doubt that Jesus is her constant companion.

Her heart for the homeless and un-sheltered has lead to street ministries, community meetings and working towards solutions for the immediate needs due to the the frigid temperatures. Our conversations have made me more aware of the dire needs of the people she is called to minister too.

One day while quickly walking between my home and the shop I thought to myself, “It’s freezing cold out here.” Just the few seconds I was outside made me feel chilled and grateful for the heaters that were faithfully warming the shop.

Then in another quick instant I thought of the people who are outside sleeping in this cold and was deeply convicted to pray for them and those ministering to them. My few seconds of cold are nothing compared to spending an entire night in the freezing conditions. I was reminded how comfortable we can get while not giving the suffering of others a second thought.

As I shared this experience with my friend, she provided me with a handout that lists all the local resources available such as warming shelters, food, clothing, hotel vouchers, addiction and recovery groups as well as emergency assistance that are available in the community. In her ministry she seeks out those in need and gives them this vital information as well as a bible, prayer and encouragement. It was humbling to see how great the need is.

I thought of Jesus’ words that we will always have the poor among us and I was also encouraged by those who, in obedience to Christ, are seeking and saving the lost.

Father, I pray that You will guide my friend to those You know need her help. I pray that you will encourage her, open doors for Her and help her to share the Love of Christ. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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