It All Comes Together
It’s always exciting to start a new month and a new study. As I began researching the story of Mary and Martha I was in awe of how everything over the last few months starting coming together.
Messages and encouragement that I had received from God began to fall into place like strategically placed puzzle pieces. Words that stayed on my mind and in my heart began to open with divine clarity.
Again, I am amazed at how God orchestrates everything with His perfect timing. I need the messages and lessons from the story of Mary and Martha now more than ever before. This season of my life feels like a page out of history. I’m torn between worship and service. My schedule feels all consuming and my emotions are at an all time high.
God already knew that I would need this study at this exact time and graciously provided the love, patience and time to spend time with Him to learn and be renewed.
I invite you to join me on this adventure through the study of Mary and Martha. I’m sure you will find many “me too,” moments and I pray that you will be able to surrender all so that you can find Holy Balance and worship and serve the ONE who is worthy of all.
Be Intentional about learning and following God leading.

Praises & Prayers
Father, thank you for a new month, a new study and renewal in You. I pray that we will be open to the messages and lessons that You have in store for us and that we will choose to make You our first priority. Thank you for one on one time with You. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Luke 5:16
But Jesus often slipped away to be alone so he could pray.