Live Boldly

In Christ, I have The Strength to Resist

Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’”  Matthew 4:4

Temptations surround you whether they are external like extra servings of your favorite food, bargains on the sales rack, physical pleasures and spending too much time on social media. Or they may be internal such as worry, greed, envy, fear or vengeful and negative thoughts.  At times they seem relentless which only makes them harder to resist.  

Some are fueled by the enemy who roams around looking for ways to devour and deceive you, while others come from your own evil desires.  Your desire to obtain something from the world that you think will fill a  void you have inside, which in the end, only brings more sorrow and emptiness. 

The Good News is that in Christ, you have been given the strength to resist all temptations.  It’s the same temptation resisting strength that Christ used in the desert as He quoted scripture in the face of the enemy.  It’s the same resisting strength that held Him to the cross in the face of those who mocked and persecuted Him as He bled and died for them.  It’s with that same resisting strength that He fully submitted to the Father’s will as He declared, “Not my will, but thine be done.”

Resisting is choosing not to believe the lies of the enemy that tell you, you can have our own way and not damage your relationship with God and others.  It may involve running from a situation so that you do not give him a foothold.  But God has promised, and it is written, that if you draw near to God, He will draw near to you and the enemy will flee.

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