In Christ, I have The Power to Heal
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. Psalm 23:1-3

He looks so peaceful laying there sound asleep as if he hasn’t a care in the world. I watch his tiny chest rise and fall with each breath and smile with adoration at his angelic face. My heart feels as though it’s about to burst with the love it contains for him, my precious little son.
Deep inside I know that this moment won’t last. It’s a gift that will become a memory, one that I will cherish often in the years to come. For months I have prayed for his healing only to watch the cancer spread further each day. Why Lord?
But today my prayers have changed from wanting my own selfish desires to wanting God’s best. I see the suffering that my son has endured and with all my heart, no matter how much I’ll miss him, I don’t want him to be in pain any more. I’m finally desiring the Healer more than the healing.
Jesus healed thousands by His touch, a word and His presence with many receiving their sight, hearing, wholeness and life. But the greatest healing that will ever take place in you is a new heart that desires God’s will above your own.
Death is not the end, it is the beginning for believers. As my young son said, “I’m going to be with Jesus and there’s no better place than that.” That’s the definition of perfect healing and while I am still here on earth, I’ll continue to experience God’s goodness and faithfulness as He restores and heals my soul.