In Christ, I have Mountain Moving Faith
For with God, nothing is impossible. Luke 1:37

Mt. Everest, Kilimanjaro and the Grand Tetons are just a few famous mountains that fill you with awe and wonder at God’s creation especially when you consider that He spoke them into existence. Every stony peak, winding trail and rugged ridge were designed with intention.
The thought of commanding them to move is a bit overwhelming, but also empowering when you believe that in Christ, you have power to move the mountains that exist in your own life.
Mountains of doubt, fear and worry can often reach higher elevations than those made of dirt, stone and trees. They loom large when they are blocking your path to peace and rest and may feel impossible to scale in your own strength.
But in Christ, you have been given mountain moving faith. Faith that believes nothing is impossible with God. Faith as small as a mustard seed is all that’s required to move mountains that reach high and wide in your life. Mountains that feel all-consuming and never-ending.
You find that seed of faith when you come to the end of your own strength and will. When you fully trust and rely on the promises of God, found in His Word. When you apply those promises by speaking them to your mountains, believing that they will be moved by God.
Then they will be moved. Thrown into the sea and no longer blocking your view of the One who makes all things possible.