I’m Asking for One Thing
I’m asking God for one thing,
only one thing:
To live with him in his house
my whole life long.
I’ll contemplate his beauty;
I’ll study at his feet.
That’s the only quiet, secure place
in a noisy world,
The perfect getaway,
far from the buzz of traffic. Psalm 27:4-5 MSG

Today’s passage was a beautiful follow up from yesterday’s blog. The Lord had shown me that He is my Happy Place and then the very next day gave me an experience that perfectly demonstrated this passage.
Through the window of my prayer room/office, I watched the every changing weather. First a few raze of sunshine, then clouds with rain followed by snow and then sunshine again. In the background I could hear the hussle and bussle of the many trains that passed through the train yard behind my home. I would often smile as a few of them thundered through shaking the house. The many automobiles and occasional firetruck that crossed the overpass only added to the noise that filled my day.
But when I began my quiet time with God they all faded away. The more I focused on what He was teaching me and the more I desired His presense above everything else, the more the quiet and peace of His presence was felt. Although I was right in the midst of all the noise around me, I was in the perfect getaway, I was with Jesus.
The home we live in is an old railroader home built in 1895. It’s location is next to 7 train tracks, a main street and an overpass. This home and it’s location is exactly where God wants me to be right now. He is teaching me to find Him in the noise and chaos of life. He’s teaching me that He is available everywhere and at anytime if I truly want to dwell in His presence. He is teaching me what the real treasure in life is and that is the One thing I’m asking for…….to live my whole life with Him.