I Make All Things New
Today I am reminded of a scene in the movie, “The Passion of the Christ.”
The scene takes place when Mary sees her son Jesus fall under the weight of his cross and remembers running to him when he fell as a young boy. Despite the crowd and his captors, she races to Jesus and raises his bloodied face from the ground while she offers the greatest of comfort she can give; her presence and the words, “I am here.” Jesus sees her and responds, “See, Mother, I make all things new.”
Our lives were forever changed on that day. We were given the opportunity to become new creations with our old lives redeemed and a new life in Christ to look forward to.
On a much smaller scale a New Year is just beginning and we have new opportunities, challenges and victories to be experienced. As we head out on our own journeys we also have the words, “I am here,” to encourage us.
We will have many opportunities this year to make things new. New relationships through forgiveness and through divine encounters that await. New opportunities to trust in God’s leading and step out in faith. New victories when we obey His commands and new adventures as we follow Him with perseverance.
Regardless of how the world and our country looks with all the social media views and ideas, God is in complete control. His is still performing miracles and wonders every day if we choose to see them.
Our world is on His schedule and He has promised to make all things new. We are invited to play a part in that process. We get to share Him with the world and celebrate with each New Creation in Him. Even the Angels in heaven rejoice when a sinner repents.
I pray that you will have a blessed New Year and that this year will bring you into a deeper and more personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I also pray that you will experience many Divine Encounters and be able to share the love of Christ in ways that fill you with awe and wonder at His perfect timing and will. Happy New Year!
Where does my help come from?
Revelation 21: 5
Behold I make all things new