Divine Encounters

I Give Hope

One day as I was driving around town I came to a stop light where I read the bumper sticker on the car in front of me. It read; I Give Hope. It made me ask myself if that could be said of me.

I thought of the many people in my life, who in the last week alone, prayed for me, called me or sent me a text, all of which greatly encouraged me. Then I wondered how many opportunities did I have this week to give someone hope and encouragement, and did I make the most of those moments?

As I continued to drive down the street I came to another intersection and was waiting at the light. I saw a woman get out of her car with a bag of food and give it to a man who was standing on the corner with his dog and a sign that read; Veteran. Need help. Anything will do.

Both signs were Divine Encounters that reminded me to take a moment in the busyness of the day and be a person that gives hope. It could be a note, a phone call, a meal or a few minutes of your time.

What a great response that would be when asked what you do…… I Give Hope.

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