How long Oh Lord?
Patience is a virtue that is hard earned. In our fast paced world the presence of patience seems to be an undesired attribute that fewer and fewer people seem to achieve. But over and over again in the Bible we read of the most incredible acts of God that took place in the lives of those who waited patiently.
Elizabeth and her husband Zacharias were clearly patient in the waiting. He was a priest and in that position he would have been chosen to serve in the holy of holies only once in his lifetime. Being advanced in years would have added to his anticipation as well as patience with each passing year as he waiting for his turn to perform the sacred duties.
Elizabeth dearly longed to be chosen to bear a child, but she was beyond childbearing when God called her to bear the prophet in her womb. With all this waiting, wondering if their turn would ever come, they still remained faithful to God’s commandments and statutes, unwavering in their faith.
What did they do in the waiting? They were faithful to God. The bible tells us they were righteous before God, walking blamelessly in all the commandments and statutes of the Lord. (Luke 1:6-7 ESV)
What do you do in the waiting when it seems like God is taking a long time to answer your prayers? Do you continue to perform acts of service and fulfill your God given responsibilities? How is your attitude in the waiting? Be honest, how did you handle the long wait in the drive thru or in traffic today?
It’s been said that patience is not the ability to wait but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting. So the next time you are waiting in the drive thru line, take that time to thank God for your surroundings or thank Him for the break from the rapid pace of the day.
God has a purpose for every moment of your life. Nothing is wasted in the waiting.
Be Intentional about developing patience with a Godly attitude.

Praises & Prayers
Father, thank you for the many lessons in Your Word. Please forgive me for the many moments that I have missed by being impatient. You have a purpose for every second of our lives and I pray that I will choose to see You, especially in the waiting. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Galatians 6:9
Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up