One thing that we know Martha did very well was offer hospitality. How many of us could handle a dozen people showing up unannounced for dinner and a sleep over?
I know that I would worry about having enough food, places to sit and if my home was ready for company. But hospitality isn’t about cloth napkins folded just right or every speck of dust being swept clean. It’s about making your guests feel welcome and extending grace and love to all who enter.
You can be just as hospitable serving a bologna sandwich as you can a gourmet meal. It all about your heart.
Remember the words that Jesus spoke saying, “if you’ve done it to the least of these, you have done it unto me,” now think of your guests as Jesus at the door and fling it wide open! Welcome them in and enjoy extending a hand of friendship to another one of God’s children.
Hospitality is for everyone!
Be Intentional about showing hospitality.

Praises & Prayers
Father, thank you for the many people who have demonstrated true hospitality to me. I pray that I will let the little issues go that I allow to hold me back from welcoming people in. Help me to fling wide the doors of my home to everyone and enjoy the friendhips that hospitality creates. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Hospitality Quotes
“Hospitality is when someone feels at home in your presence.”
“Hospitality isn’t about your house it’s about your heart.”
“People will forget what you said, forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
“Hospitality is simply an opportunity to show love and care.”
“Only a life lived to the service of others is worth living.”