Holy Week – Good Friday

In order to prepare my mind and heart for today I read each version of the Good Friday events from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. I’m a visual learner and as I read the passages my mind would recall the scenes from the movie The Passion.
Tears filled my eyes as I read about the brutal treatment that was given to my Lord. I thought of how exhausted He must have been, the sadness at betrayal and abandonment of some of His followers, the pain from the beatings and the mockery that He endured.
Over and over in the passages it said, “these things happened that Scripture might be fulfilled.” Every little detail was played out just as it had been foretold. Jesus was completely obedient to God’s plan.
He didn’t waiver even though He knew that at any moment He could call upon God and have more than twelve legions of angels at His disposal. He could stop it all, but His love for us compelled Him to endure and finish what He came to earth to do.
The brutality of this day began just after midnight the day before and carried on throughout the early morning with false trials and accusations, continuing on with beatings, mocking and scourging. From there it proceeded to humiliation and exhaustion as He carried the cross He would be killed on through the streets of Jerusalem.
By early morning He was nailed to a cross where the mocking continued as He asked God to forgive those involved. Surrounded by religious leaders and thieves who hurled insults, His compassion continued as He made sure that His mother would be cared for by John, the beloved.
At noon darkness fell over the land. The Savior of the world was suffering and it would seem that even the earth was mourning. Some of the women, including His mother, who followed Him were present. Their hearts breaking as they watched the actions of evil men and the responses of a loving Savior.
Three hours later, Jesus said, “It is finished.”
Our Lord endured fifteen hours of abuse and finally died so that we could live. That’s how long, how wide, how deep, how high is the love of God. He would go to any lengths to make a way for us to return to the Father. His arms were stretched out wide to pay the penalty we deserved. He experienced the depths of darkness so that we could live in His light and He ascended to heaven so that we could be made new.
That is why today is called Good Friday. It was a day that changed all eternity for us. It was the day the Lord made it all possible. It was a day that He showed how much He loves and values us.
Today is a day to remember what His love for us cost Him. It’s a day to thank Him for His sacrifice and to recommit to following Him wherever that may lead. With Him, we can bear our own crosses because we know the One who bore it all.

Lord, words cannot describe what You endured for me and thank you will never come close to the gratitude You deserve. But I do thank you and pray that I will live a life that will honor the sacrifice that You made for me. I am in awe of Your love and pray that I can love others with deep sincerity and selflessness just as You did. Thank you for making a way for me to have a relationship with You now and through eternity. I Love You Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Go Deeper with Passion Week Readings
Matthew 26:36 – Matthew 27:61
Mark 14:32 – Mark 15: 47
Luke 22:39 – Luke 23: 43
John 17:1 – John 19: 16