Holy of Holies
A message I recently read really challenged my attitude about my quiet time with God. I look forward to it each morning and I know that my whole day starts better when I make sure that I have this time. But often my attitude can slip to the mindset of a to do list rather than the intimate time with God that it is intended to be. The writer of the article said that she viewed her quiet time as her time of entering the Holy of Holies.
In the bible the Holy of Holies was a place located deep within the tabernacle and eventually in the temple and was only accessable to the High Priest once a year on the Day of Atonement. It was the place that he came before God on behalf of the people. It was such a holy place that if the High Priest entered in an unworthy manner he would be stuck dead.
When Jesus died on the cross the veil of the temple was torn in two signifying that we all, now have full access to God, not just a select few. But do we approach the Holy of Holies with the respect and reverence that we should?
Our one on one time with God is a beautiful privilege and should be seen as an intimate holy experience. Yes we can pour our hearts out to God. Yes He hears and understands. But we also must remember that He is God. He is Holy and He is to be respected.
When we view our time with God in this way our hearts and minds are better able to align with His will. Our selfish desires fade away and our petitions become prayers from a sincere heart of love and service.
There is a song by the band Kutless called “Take me In,” and the words really help to give the right mindset as we come before the Lord. Some of the lyrics are, “Take me in to the Holy of Holies, Lord I long to see Your face.”
Isn’t that what devotional time is really about? Seeking God and meeting Him one on one. I was so blessed by the difference in my time with God when I entered that time with the right heart and mind. I’m entering the presence of God.
Be Intentional about meeting with God with the right heart.

Praises & Prayers
Father, thank you for reminding me what a privilege it is to meet with You. Help me to enter that blessed time with the right heart and mind. Lord, You are Holy and because of Your sacrifice I am able to approach Your thrown. Help me to do it with the most holy respect. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Psalm 100:4
Enter his gates with thanksgiving
and his courts with praise;
give thanks to him and praise his name.