Holy Balance
The story of Mary and Martha shows us two women whom Jesus loved dearly. Both women have characteristics that we should seek to incorporate in our own lives; devotion to God and service to others.
The lesson that Jesus was teaching by sharing this story in His word, is to develop a Holy Balance. He desires the devoted worship of Mary and the loving service of Martha in our lives. Both are needed to truly love and serve as Jesus did.
To make this happen we need to first sit at His feet while He fills us up and then go out in the world and perform acts of loving service in His name from a full heart.
Acts of service and hospitality are a mark of discipleship, but they should come from a heart that is overflowing with Jesus’ love which we develope by spending time with Him and getting to know Him through His Word.
One without the other leaves us feeling frustrated and overwhelmed or lacking purpose in our lives. Finding that Holy Balance of time with God and service to others will bring blessings of peace and joy.
Be Intentional about developing a Holy Balance of devotion and service.

Praises & Prayers
Father, thank you for the lesson on Holy Balance. I pray that we will seek You first and then follow Your leading to lovingly serve others. Please continue to refine us Lord. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Messages from His Word
Matthew 6:33
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.