Highlights of the Day
Do you ever think at the end of a day whew…what a day! As you finally have a minute to stop and breathe and think about all the events that took place since the moment you woke up. How did your day go? What were the Highlights of the Day?
Every once in awhile I will make a list of the highlights of the day and how they made me feel, how I responded and who was involved. It’s fun to read back over some of those highlights days, weeks, months and sometimes even years later. It feels like you are reliving those moments and you can remember each and every detail.
On one particular day, one of the highlights was talking with my younger brother Heath. We often have in-depth conversations and it’s always nice catching up with him. He asked me what I had been studying in my devotional time that morning and I told him it was about gratitude and the story of Jesus healing the ten lepers (Luke 17:11-19).
He then asked me what true gratitude meant to me. I thought about it and told him that I believe gratitude is thankfulness lived out. I was then able to share with him the miracle of my healing, how God used my Sunshine Prophesy to give me courage, how He walked me down the hall and was with me throughout the biopsy. I shared about the waiting, the doubt and the miracle. Then about the message, “Because you trusted me you are healed, now go live well and live blessed.”
This was a big deal for me because I had not told my family about this experience, which had taken place months before. Most of my family, including my brother, do not have the same belief in Christ that I do. We believe differently about prayer, who Christ is, about eternity and many other things. On this day, in this conversation, God gave me an opportunity to share my faith and belief that He is leading me and that I have a personal relationship with Him.
Many times my brother and I have discussed and even argued about theology. Those discussions have driven us to study deeper, but not always with the purpose of knowing God better for ourselves. Instead, at times, it has provided a researched topic to stand on and hopefully win the debate.
But on this day the response could not be debated. He could hear the passion in my voice, the detailed before and after medical reports and the miraculous results. My brother is a medical provider and owns his own clinic so he fully understood the technical and medical side. The faith and passion side, the miracle, well that part is un-debatable.
In Revelations 12:10 it says, “they overcame him by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their testimony.” The enemy has delighted in our debates for many years because they have been done with a mindset of being right and proving a point, but on that day, he was was defeated. My brother knew that I knew what I said and what I believed.
The enemy would love nothing more than for me to remain quiet. He didn’t want me sharing what God had done because it would make a difference. Our testimony, our story does make a difference.
In the bible story that I mentioned earlier, ten lepers were healed but only one came back to give praise to God. I don’t want to be part of the ungrateful nine. I want to be one that lives out thankfulness and shares what God has done in me.
Having a moment that you get to see the word of God in action, when you see the enemy silenced by sharing your story with passion, when you obeyed God and the results are left in His capable hands, well I would say that would be a Highlight of the Day!
My prayer
Father, I thank you for every moment of my miracle story and for giving me the opportunity to share it. You provided the perfect time and heart to hear and receive the message and I know that You will bring something good from this. I pray for my family members that don’t know You. They are missing out on a relationship with You and I pray that I can live a life of thankfulness that will draw their attention to You and that they will choose You. Give me boldness to share You, In Jesus name, Amen.
Where does my help come from?
Revelation 12: 10-11 NLT
“For the accuser of our brothers and sisters
has been thrown down to earth—
the one who accuses them
before our God day and night.
And they have defeated him by the blood of the Lamb
and by their testimony. “